Fired Trump kraken attorney Sidney Powell says Georgia voters should avoid voting unless all voting machines go away

His current wife was born in Yugoslavia and is from the Balkans. I can’t even. Like, clearly she’s just a set piece in his life, he doesn’t talk to her, and I didn’t learn anything new about Il Douche, but I just can’t wrap my head around how one does that. Dude’s a monster.


My county used Dominion voting machines and it went for Trump by a large margin. Sure, let’s do it.


someone needs to start feeding her nonsense using the fake counties from the Netflix Christmas movies.

Totally killing it with the Doctor Who gifs. :grinning:




Many more fictional countries are available (Wikipedia).

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Saying whatever crazy thing that will make the crowd roar: it’s the secret to their success, and their Achilles heel.


Same as in Washington State.

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Is this a kind of political homeopathy? The fewer of my followers that vote the more I win?

OK, well, let’s see how that works out.


No, Trump would like to reverse the polarity of the election flow.

Luckily for us, the closest Trump comes to sonic technology is the verbal diarrhea that he spews nearly constantly. That and Rudy Giuliani’s intestines.


It’s a situation where, if we’re being charitable, Trump learned about the existence of the Balkans from his wife and that’s why he knew the name, and thought Latvia and Estonia had previously been part of Yugoslavia… and even so - yikes.


Short and simple answer: Trump doesn’t care what happens to other Republicans if he doesn’t win, because he doesn’t actually give a shit about the values or agenda of the Republican party if he isn’t going to be the one running it anymore.

In fact I think he’d actually feel better if more Republicans lost their races in 2020 because then he could blame his own defeat on “Republicans had a hard time this year” or “Democrats rigged the ballots” instead of “the country didn’t want me to be President.”



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He didn’t even give a shit when he was the one “in charge.”

It’s about his ego and whatever makes him feel better; fuck everything and everyone else.

That’s it, and that’s all; there’s just no ‘there’ up in there, not anywhere.

He’s a human black hole.


I am so looking forward to the libel and defamation suits that are going to be filed against Powell and Wood and perhaps even Giuliani when this is all over. And the recriminations within the party (accelerating the schism between loony bin fascists and run-of-the-mill fascists) will be especially fun to watch if Loeffler and Perdue both lose, which is entirely possible!


Better Cardassia, Karemma, Yadera, Callinon, Vandros and Betazed. At leat there will be part of the Dominion.

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So much this. My wife’s father was never diagnosed, but people who know him agree he ticks the boxes for Narcissistic Personality Disorder [1]. She’s got an intuition about what Trump will say next, because she grew up around a man who thinks words are sounds used to make people feel better about him. There’s nothing inside such people.

[1] People with NPD are rarely diagnosed, because they rarely feel they need to talk to a psychologist about anything.


I think there’s also a town named Fredonia in Texas… and at UT-Austin, there was a co-op house named Fredonia.

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The dude wanted to be a wartime president. I wouldn’t put it past him to start a war with only days left in office, with the hope that he can somehow use that as an excuse to hang around longer.


Absolutely, 100%. Trump was only one of the (worst) symptoms, not a cause. If conservatives won’t clean house, we’re in for a lot more of the same.