First she turned Black. Now Fox's Peter Doocy says Kamala Harris turned Southern (video)

Originally published at: First she turned Black. Now Fox's Peter Doocy says Kamala Harris turned Southern (video) - Boing Boing



Wait until he hears about a little niche called country music, in which people from any part of the country are not only allowed but expected to adopt a Southern accent.


I hope in the near future she asks for some dijon so they can finally go completely apoplectic…


Doocy: How long has Vice President Harris been a vampire?

Jean-Pierre: What? You can’t be serious! OK, we’re moving on, next question.

(later that evening. . . )

Fox News: Press Secretary will not deny that Harris is a vampire.


is what Madame Vice President said, when she used a word “betta” (for better)? is that what got this idjit aroused?
i wouldn’t even call that a “Code Switch” on her part. nothing nefarious or disingenuous by simply using informal speech in an interview, rather than stilted, diplomatic speech that does present as not genuine in an interview setting.




I listened to the side by side videos that trump posted, that seem to be what started this, I couldn’t hear a diffeence.

The New York Post put together a video of a bunch of clips that sound sped up.

The video in the post has 500 comments, the majority are asking what the White House is hiding and why won’t she answer the question.


But unlike trump Kamala won’t spend a week with petty responses to this nonsense.


Imagine for a moment that you have achieved that level of journalism where you are going to White House press briefings. Even if you personally get there fairly often, this is an opportunity that has been an unimaginable dream for actual serious journalists for decades, going back to the very beginnings of news coverage. You can ask any probing question; you have the chance to not only have your finger on the pulse of today’s events, you can ask a member of the team that guides the heart that creates that pulse any question your inquisitive little mind can ponder. Somewhere back in your personal bubble of history, your long forgotten journalism professor holds their breath, without ever knowing why, and pauses in wonder as you utter …

… that.

Unheard by anyone is the sound of a professor openly sobbing with wounded disappointment.

Someone burn this idiot’s press card, please.


STFU, douchey.


Sen. Foghorn Leghorn John Kennedy of Louisiana could not be reached for comment.


Even Doocy seemed to be not that interested in his own question. Like even he knew, as it was coming out of his mouth, it was worthless. Like he’s just gotta check a box on a form, yeah, I asked the dumb question. Done.


Trump probably called him up and told him to ask that question. Trump cannot win on any actual issue. Harris has the upper hand on everything, and he knows that, so he has to come up with some scandalous behavior. Everything he’s tried so far has fallen flat, and now he’s really grasping at straws. Hell, I’ve heard people here in New Jersey who have a slight southern twang to their speech. Mostly outside of North Jersey. Why? Because all they listen to is country music. That’s my theory. I have no evidence to prove it, but that’s what I’m going with. These assholes have confederate flags on their pickups, wear red MAGA hats, and listen to country music, and they’re starting to develop a southern accent. See also: Kid Rock and Ted Nugent. So it’s kind of a weird thing for Trump to focus on.


Angry Station 19 GIF


It’s all a conspiracy, and everyone is in it.


Have these people ever BEEN to Savannah? The Southern cadence is infectious, just like the speech of any other region where you talk to a lot of people.


Thank you! You perfectly summarized my reaction.


I grew up in North Carolina, so I know Southern accents quite well. I’ve also heard it in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kansas, Nebraska, as far north as Minnesota, and as far west as Oregon! (Noting, of course, that there isn’t one monolithic “Southern Accent” and a skilled linguist can hear differences between someone from Wake County and their cousin from Cumberland County.)

It’s almost like our language isn’t a single fixed entity and we all influence one another or something.


Eh, I saw a video there is a small difference, but I think people change their way of speaking based on how comfortable they are and how familiar something is. Put me back into a rural setting and watch my drawl come back out. Though part of that is I do unconsciously start to parrot back speech patterns.


Back when I was still speaking with my mother, for about an hour after I’d get off the phone with her, my partners noted my usually mild Southern accent would be much stronger! Not long afterwards, it would fade back to my “have been out of the South for 30 years” amalgam of several different regions accent.