Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/08/01/trump-going-all-in-on-kamala-suddenly-turned-black.html
Full post for the BBS:
The day after making shockingly racist remarks during an ill-behaved interview not befitting a candidate for President of the United States, Donald Trump and his surrogates are trying to sell his lies.
Donald Trump is now sharing family photos of Vice-President Harris that only prove what a racist moron he is. His running mate congratulated him on his performance and attempted to normalize it. A few down-ballot Republicans, like Larry Hogan, are disavowing Trump’s comments, but for the most part, they are trying to sell his ridiculous attempt to deny her heritage.

Weird and Weirder.
What, you expected some other thing to happen? This has been his MO since the day he rode down the escalator–say something offensive, and when people get mad, double down on it. He will never ever say he was wrong.
Yeah, I don’t think that he’ll ever admit to being wrong on this, but stuff like this from the Raw Story article…
Truth Social user Dr. X Luther took a jab at Trump’s physical appearance.
“And then one day he just decided he was orange,” he wrote, “it was weird.”
…coming from his personal social media platform, just might make his head explode.
Keep going, you repulsive and weird old bigot. It’s still a shamefully close race, so every voter you alienate works in our favour.
From @RickMycroft above…
“Democrats are obsessed with identity politics” says campaign that researches its opposition’s genealogy back 10 generations to pinpoint her racial percentiles to within two decimal points.
It won’t be long before he calls her a mischling…
What does he think this bullshit will get him? Black people will be offended and not vote for Harris because they believe what Trump is saying? I’m sure there will be some but no one outside of his core base is going to believe Harris is pretending to be Black or ever denied her Black heritage. why would any self-respecting BIPOC ever believe anything he says about race?
The Trump campaign is like a scorpion stinging itself with it’s own tail. It’s pathetic and weird.
“I think that as long as they go after me personally with insults and conspiracy theories then that is good. It proves that they don’t have any arguments.”
– Greta Thunberg
J.D. Vance’s kids are of biracial heritage too. I bet they’re just thrilled to see daddy’s new best friend go on rants declaring that having a parent of Indian descent erases any and all other identity an American citizen may have.
Ah, good. This story about the weird racist is resurfacing:
Now I’m wondering what he meant by Indian when he was spewing about Harris. Some press-type person should ask him.
Fits with the pattern for GOP VP candidates though.
what’s funny/ not funny about that snl skit, is how many white people lost their minds yet again when beyonce made a country album
That would be Donald Drumpf?
Good. By which I mean, good to see that Trump is utterly failing to adapt his strategy to Harris. This nonsense isn’t going to save him and it only fits in better with the weirdness angle the Democrats are pushing. If Harris keeps hammering away with statements her party should have been making since 2015, maybe we’ll get enough people to offset the Republicans’ attempts to cheat in November.
Along with his running mate’s children.
If there is one thing a white man should never comment on, it’s how black someone is or isn’t.
Ah, gee, its almost like 300+ years of genocide and attempting to wipe out a culture is going to have an effect on phenotypes.
- The picture he posted of Kamala with her Indian family (presumably) reminds me of my friend Kim who is half black and half Korean. Her wedding reception dinner was epic with half of it being American BBQ and half of it being Korean dishes.
He’s not thinking. A black woman put him on the spot and he shoved his foot in his mouth. And since he never admits a mistake, he now has to convince everyone that it looks good there.
I think I figured out why the is doubling down. I watched a clip at Wonkette and when he is saying this racist crap, the audience is laughing. Then he gives that smirk. Trump doesn’t realize the audience is laughing at him and not with him. It’s like the Hannibal Lector thing he always includes in his speeches. He got some laughs and thinks those laughs mean he said something funny. So now he’s going to keep saying it to get more laughs. He is so oblivious he doesn’t realize the laughter was mocking him for his stupidity and racism.
I like this comment from one of those articles.
“And then one day he just decided he was orange, it was weird.”
I wouldn’t give him the slightest benefit of the doubt. What does he think indigenous people are supposed to look like, or was he saying that because he blamed them for his casinos tanking?