Originally published at: Fish falls from sky, smashes Tesla windshield (video) - Boing Boing
discounting the neighbor who has a shiny new trebuchet and an understandable hatred of all things musk (“note the absence of even the slightest talon marks on the fish in question”)
Or one of the neighbors a few streets over has a fish cannon?
This “right to bear arms” is getting ridiculous.
If they would have read the manual they would know to put it in fish mode.
Isn’t the Cybertrukk windscreen supposed to be bowling ball proof?
You would think it could withstand the wetty splat of a dropped fish
I don’t think that the little article mentions what sort of Tesla this was*. If it was a Cybertruck, Elon would probably say it was the wrong kind of fish.
*The video is not available in my counrty.
If it had been a salmon, I would say that it was the result of the right to arm bears.
I thought this was common knowledge that a mad fishmonger was responsible.
Did the fish have any Boeing branding on it?
What do the Forteans have to say about this one? Sadly my subscription has lapsed…
I don’t think the FT has an official position on the matter. It will just report that it happened, and move on to the next Damned Thing that needs noting.
A one pound fish smashed a Tesla windshield? windshield is as thin-skinned as the CEO
Why do fish
suddenly appear
Every time
a Tesla’s near
♪ Just like me
They long to be
Smashed to death on a windscreen and freed from this hellscape of pain ♪♫