In case you encounter childhood mask “skeptics” in the wild, here are a number of resources to back up both the mortality and the neurological effects. One could also google “observed neurological deficits in post-COVID children” and get these results. In fact, there are so many results, one would have to be actively not seeing them in a basic search on the topic. Dozens. Of. Peer. Reviewed. Articles. And. Reputable. Reports.
Here in Japan, it is quite uncommon to see children (even very small children) who are not wearing masks out in public. My 2-year old has never had any problems wearing a mask; for her, it is as natural as putting on shoes to go outside. Even before the pandemic, it has never been unusual for children to wear masks during allergy season or flu season here.
All the talk about masks harming children is bullshit. And the anti-mask assholes who stigmatize children wearing masks? Yeah, that harms kids.