Flash Gordon (1980)

Ted also has remarkable reproductions of suburban Massachusetts kids in the early 80s.

I was old enough to see this the first time around (15yro) and I too knew that it was a whiff when it could have easily been a good film. Funny thing is that from the previews I was excited to see it, which is the exact opposite of what I thought 3 years previous when I saw the trailer for some movie called “Star Wars” which I thought looked horribly cheap. I later was happily proved wrong when I saw it. I didn’t see it opening night though, I only saw it at a PREVIEW, thankyouverymuch.

edit- but I still think “star wars” is a ridiculously bad name for that whole franchise. just terrible.

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Nobody mentioned Princess Aura being strapped down and whipped with her tight tight tights on.
Wait, Flash who?

It was the first movie I saw in the theater. I was 4.

My first theater movies were Bambi and 2001 (in re-release), and it was so far back I can’t remember which one came first.

Peter, I have the feeling we grew up similar place, similar time, I too watched most of the 80ies sci-fi fare dubbed in German … even got to see Buck Rogers on big screen and Battlestar Galactica … much much later did I learn that those were recycled US TV pilots … remember the print magazine ‘Cinema’ ??? They actually ran some nudes of Sam Jones … (instead of Ornella Muti)

Aye, I saw this at the pictures.

I was old enough, but, for some reason, never did see it in the theater. There was something about either the trailers or some snippet she’d seen that made my mother think it was inappropriate for me. Or, maybe, having seen me turn into a Star Wars fanatic who had to have all the toys, she was afraid Flash Gordon would double the problem.

Since we didn’t have HBO but my neighbor did I saw snippets of it, but didn’t see the entire film until I was in my thirties when I was cast as the villain in a Star Trek parody (the project fell through, unfortunately). I thought it would be funny to model myself on Ming The Merciless from the old '30’s serials. But then I got the 1982 Flash Gordon and knew Max von Sydow was the way to go.

One of the big selling points in the trailers for Dune was the musical score by Toto. Sadly there was never a catchy “Rains Down In Arrakis” song.


When Dune came out, I was about ten and I saw it in a theater right on the campus of U of Michigan. I remember when Toto’s name came up in the opening credits, a handful of their fans made it a point to clap and cheer quite loudly.

Considering that I gave my age away, it’s not that hard to guess.

I don’t think I saw Buck Rogers on the big screen, but am pretty sure that I watched at least one Galactica movie at the cinmea. I’m certain about The Final Countdown, Blue Thunder, Star Wars V and VI. Wasn’t allowed in Fire and Ice and Gwendoline (the later either vanished from theatres before I turned 18 late in the year or did it get censored? ) Starman, too. E.T., of course, and all the Star Trek movies until TNG-

Lots of movies I saw during the summer holidays on s small island, where they had two different films each day. Cheap entertainment when It was raining.

Of course I remember Cinema. Doesn’t it still exist? Plenty of female skin, there, too. One of the reasons it was attractive to 14-18 year old boys.

Princess Aura also figures in the best conversation in the film:
Aura: No Mongoite would ever help another like this! Why do you Earth creatures do so?
Dale Arden: Because we’re better than you.

My first theater movie might have been the sometime-in-the-seventies re-release of “Song of the South.” I also remember my parents discussing whether or not it was appropriate for us to watch it.

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over the years Cinema looked more and more like a porn magazine … I was very surprised my parents let me keep having it … (but i think it came in a paper envelope … he he he)

It came? I don’t remember. I simply bought it at the newsstand, along with Playboy.

Aura: “Look! Water is leaking from her eyes.”
Ming: “It’s what they call tears. It’s a sign of their weakness.”

As someone who never saw this movie until fairly recently, I don’t think you’re blinded by nostalgia. Yeah, it can be pretty corny at times; and the visual effects are occasionally hilarious (like with all the flying people towards the end), but I agree that it holds up surprisingly well. The sets and costumes are a big plus.

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