Florida man, 19, kills older couple and eats man's face off while “grunting and growling”

Sad. No one deserves this

There was Hard Target with Van Damme before that but that was the first big budget one…



The ironic thing is that both Cage and Travolta are both very capable actors, IMO; but the atrocious roles & scripts they’ve been choosing over the last two decades tend to eclipse that sentiment.


Yeah, but who goes to a Van Damme film?

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I saw in the theater! Money paid to see it! It was something to do on Saturday night in my early 20s. I need to watch it again as I was unfamiliar with Woo’s style and was kinda wtf even for a movie this is crazy the first time I saw it.

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He’s always been massively over the top, but I liked it better in the Hong Kong style. (We’re also way off topic at this point, aren’t we?)


well it is less depressing than the actual topic.


“The details that follow may be disturbing.”

Thank you for that warning after that headline.

[quote=“tropo, post:88, topic:83566”]
(We’re also way off topic at this point, aren’t we?)
[/quote]Isn’t that a good thing when the topic is “boy does drugs, eats a face”?


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