Originally published at: Florida man can soon buy his weed at Circle K gas stations | Boing Boing
Only if you assume they’re more likely to consume it while driving, not at home?
Wait until (Mo)Ron Desantis and his cronyis find out about this. The legislators (best money can buy) will be crying and tearing their cloaks.
However, not everyone thinks dispensaries next to convenience stores are a good idea.
“I was shocked when I first heard about it,” said Kevin Sabet. “I was really surprised.”
Sabet is the CEO of Smart Approaches to Marijuana, or SAM, a political organization opposed to marijuana legalization and commercialization.
“The idea that we want to make it easier for a 22-year-old with a headache, who has a medical card, to get marijuana while they’re filling up on gas and about to drive really makes no sense,” said Sabet.
He said SAM plans on appealing the business decision to Gov. Ron DeSantis’s office and the federal government.
“I was really surprised they would even entertain the idea that it would be a good idea to, while someone is on the road, essentially encourage stoned driving,” Sabet said.
It would be the height of parody if he had given this statement while standing in front of the beer cooler.
Strange things are afoot a the Circle K
“The idea that we want to make it easier for a 22-year-old with a headache, who has a medical card, to get marijuana while they’re filling up on gas and about to drive really makes no sense,”
Then we shouldn’t allow beer sales next door at the Circle K either.
cool idea. i do like the thought of being able to get cannabis less than a mile away, but figure it will be more expensive (convenience factor add 20%) making already overpriced (legal) weed unattractive. i guess - should this actually come to pass on this rock - i will continue to drive the 15 miles to the closest dispo over on Key Largo.
So fucking disturbing, thanks!!!
I’m pretty sure they already do, just not from the store itself.
Sounds awful, but much less awful than the idea of drive-through liquor stores! Do they have those in Flawda?
The RISE Express stores will apparently have a separate entrance although just a few steps from the Circle K candy and snack aisle.
Sure feels like Boingboing is using fearmongering imagery, which is kind of shocking. You know what else is also “a few steps away from the Circle K candy and snack aisle”? The beer aisle, the tobacco tower, and <looks both ways, then whispers> the C-O-N-D-O-M-S.
Really, are you going to remove alcohol from said convenience stores? Because that’s sold right there, too, and causes a rather substantial number of vehicle-related deaths every day.
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