Originally published at: Florida man caught on camera cutting satellite cables that knocked eight TV stations off the air | Boing Boing
Disgruntled former employee is a good guess, but I’m going with Q-Anon follower.
Hello, it’s Florida, y’all gotta keep that shit under lock and key.
one can only hope it was a Fox affiliate.
aaand a quick google before I post says no. it is an NBC station. better luck next time.
Likely someone concerned about “conservative voices being silenced”. As if they ever shut up.
5G Covidiot, much the same.
I am going with JFK Jr. who is really Keith Richards.
Sorry. My money’s on Elvis.
Bigfoot. Definitely Bigfoot.
Charge him as a terrorist. It’s well within the bounds.
Satellites must have some extremely long cables. I could see being frustrated enough by those things whipping through the stratosphere that I might want to cut some too.
Can’t be. The FA says
“This person knew what he was doing…”
You’re laughing but because of this someone missed Hogan’s Heroes.
Something something 5G, something something teh gay, something something covid, something something else completely nonsensical.
I suppose that could be a rival TV station affiliate, maybe with connection with mafia.
Remember, folks, cutting cables is wrong, but you can still use the parental controls on your parents’ TVs to block Fox News. Their grandchildren will thank you.
In John Brunner’s novel 'Stand on Zanzibar", from pre-Internet days, there is, among many other things, a sort of proto-newsgroup that exchanges methods of domestic vandalism of this sort to fight back against an a oppressive crumbling society and also because whackjobs.