Florida man Ron DeSantis refers to Elon Musk as "African American"

I don’t disagree that their actions are doing harm, that just makes it worse. The whole Musk is an African-American thing is literally a twitter dickhead talking point though, the weaponisation of identity politics in an attempt to shut people up.


He is a descendant of white colonists. He is European descent.


Naturalized citizens cannot run for president according to the constitution. Its almost as if deSantis didn’t read it.


He claims he voted in a primary yesterday, so if he’s not, he’s an even bigger fraud.


See also: that inevitable guy who explains how he can’t be antisemitic because he doesn’t have a problem with Assyrians


fish mooney GIF


I identify DeSantis (and many other members of the GQP) as “Suppository American”. At least his head satisfies the residency requirement for that status.


I can’t WAIT for Trevor Noah to comment!


The destruction of meaning is a common tool of fascism


Ha ha, it’s a joke, you see - DeSantis is hostile to the rights of Black people and so the only “African Americans” who support him are racist white dudes who come from Africa… hilarious!

To mock it, even.


“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”
George Orwell’s 1984

I think it’s a cinch that DeSatan will run, regardless of what You Know Who does. So will Cruz, and probably Cotton. They are probably all watching the Treason Hearings & licking their chops. These third-rate hacks would constitute the first tier.

I don’t see any of 'em considering any of the others as a potential running mate. Firstly, because they are all too egotistical to consider being second in command, & secondly, they all know each other enough to know that their own back will be an irresistable target for their overly ambitious Veep.

Pretty sure that You Know Who will, if he runs, choose a woman as his running mate, & there are several that are corrupt enough to fill the bill.
This nightmare scenario gets even worse when you consider that there would be a very good chance that You Know Who won’t complete his term, leaving the Veep in charge…

President Empty G, anyone?

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Oh, I don’t think that he’s that ignorant. I think he knew exactly what he was doing, flying his racist flag for his supporters and covering it with a wink-wink.


Stop Talking Shut Your Mouth GIF


Every time I see someone say that on Twitter, it’s an immediate mute and block, because it’s an assholish thing to say – and it’s usually a report, too, because their timelines are usually cesspools of racism and fascism, much like DeSantis’ brain.

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Musk, should he buy twitter, may be envisoning it as a kind of Radio Télévision Libre des Mille Collines, updated for the 21st century.

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You’re right and maybe even more disgusting is that he’s Proud of his Ignorance…and he Ain’t backin down either.


Yes, he’s an American citizen. And yes, he was born in Africa. This makes him an American from Africa, not an “African American” which is not the same thing.

African American specifically refers to an ethnic group, and DeSantis is trying to conflate it as a sort of citizenship which is just ignorant and dishonest. I’m sure he damn well knows this but just can’t help himself.


In DeSatan’s case, it was deliberate and shows him for the racist [among other things] that he is.

You are being far too kind to this Nazi bastard. He deserves no benefit of the doubt.
He did it with malice aforethought; that ‘off-the-cuff’ remark came to him naturally.

Oh, and @chgoliz? Scary, ain’t it?
But, just think: a mere ten years ago, the prospect of President You Know Who was not only laughable, it was unthinkable.

Nowadays, we disregard the Unthinkable at our peril.


I was giving him any. He damn well knew what he was saying was racist, ignorant, and stupid. And he did it anyway. (And if he somehow didn’t know this, he’s even dumber than I thought.)