Flying While Muslim: 2 American women kicked off American flight in Miami

In the Commonwealth armies, a junior NCO is a Corporal, usually abbreviated in spoken language to ‘Corp’, as in “hey, Corp, when does this frigging pointless field exercise finish?”

An exception is the Royal Regiment of Artillery, and its Commonwealth equivalents. Artillery junior NCOs carry the rank of Bombardier. This is usually abbreviated in spoken conversation to ‘Bomb.’ This can cause an alarming amount of consternation when hailed across a crowded room in an airport.

Don’t ask me how I know :unamused:


Now how does that square with the airport authority use of surveillance video? (Consider this another source of pictures of ANY AA employee that ever enters the terminal. )


Nope, can’t agree with that at all. People actually flying the plane, maybe. People serving drinks, pretzels and performing the emergency exit ritual that nobody watches? They shouldn’t get to kick people off the plane without some kind of oversight. Someone up the chain of command needs to at least take a cursory look at a situation before taking any kind of action. The airlines should be just as afraid of being sued for discrimination as every other organization in the US.

…and for f**ks sake, Let’s keep our shoes on at the airport.


Or helping him off a horse…


Sadly, it seems that it too frequently is.


That person is the pilot. You would be amazed how often they side with the flight crew, which they lead.

I hope there are lawsuits, it will lead to better training.

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I thought they had to let passengers off the plane after 3 hours stuck on the ground?

I’ve done 3 hours and it was miserable. If I had to wait 5, I’d be doing whatever I could to get kicked off.


I read over the whole story, and I am just not making the connection between the absolutely horrible treatment these women received and the fact of them being muslim. I read that they were stuck on a grounded flight for 5 hours and the employee did a terrible job of accommodating the reasonably distraught passengers and instead decided to don some authoritarian boots. Maybe I’m just being naive, but what I read is that American Airlines has absolutely horrible policies and capability to cope with what to do when there are unreasonably long delays on an airplane. Instead of having any kind of mechanism to provide accommodations, the default is to stick to the lowest cost solution no matter the level of discomfort imposed on all the passengers. Additionally, they don’t seem to train their employees well on how to not be nazi’s when in unusual and difficult situations from the shit rolling downhill.

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“Muslim” is neither a nationality nor an ethnic group. They are American citizens that happen to be of the Muslim religion. Using this terminology does not help the already uniformed impression that the U.S. is in conflict with a religion. The flight crew may have assumed they were Muslim by their accents or “swarthy” appearance, but this also borders on racism. The image of the woman above doesn’t strike me as the stereotypical burka wearing ‘suspected terrorist’.

What about those of us too lazy to become billionaires?


Maybe we could convince Trump to buy American Airlines. Nobody would miss them if they went away, and a Trump-induced bankruptcy would be satisfying to watch.


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