Originally published at: For the first time ever, scientists finally crack the code for editing marsupial genes | Boing Boing
Coming soon:
And we thought the flora and fauna of Australia was scary NOW… just wait… they’re going to make drop bears REAL!
This is the whole Sally the Sheep clone thing over again. How can you tell it’s a clone when sheep are already indistinguishable from each other?
Marsupials are weird as fuck to start with, how are you supposed to know when you’ve mutated one?
Add it to the list.
I guess this is big news in the world of pouched mammals anyway
So we can finally get the human-kangaroo hybrid super soldiers from that 1990s adaptation of Tank Girl? (Yes, that’s Ice-T on the right.)
I would buy cigarettes from the one on the right!
Explains wildfires in Australia.
Kangaroos are disturbingly jacked…
Still better than CC the cloned cat.
It raised questions
- Why would anyone need to clone a cat?
- What is the point if a clone which looks nothing like the original?
[thinks hard]
Because they are cuter than sheep?