Former aide at today's pop-up hearing says Trump knew rally-goers had weapons, told them to march to Capitol

The point of the hearings is ostensibly to investigate what happened and who was responsible, not to ensure a Democratic win in the next election cycle.

If the Democrats were foolish enough to time the hearings in such a way that they became part of an obvious election ploy for 2024 then they’d lose much of the Republican support and cooperation that they depend on if they’re actually hoping to influence anyone.


There is no way to become the chief assistant to the Chief of Staff to the President in the White House at 24 years of age without some serious credentials. She interned for Ted Freaking Cruz and Steve Scumbag Scalise before signing on with Mark Meadows. She had to be a dyed in the wool Young Asshole Republican to get to that position. Nonetheless, she told the truth today, and that took guts.


I’ve posted it before, i will post it again:

If you’re gonna die, die with your boots on
If you’re gonna try, stick around
Gonna cry, just move along
If you’re gonna die, you’re gonna die

No easy meat here.


I imagine one of the things they’re trying to avoid is leaking who’s made deals and who hasn’t so that key witnesses and perpetrators just don’t fuck off to Russia. Usually when these cases come to a head, it’s like some kind of military raid. Indictments and subpeonas get unsealed, the lawyer gets called and notified, and five seconds after he says “Hello” the doors start getting kicked in and people start loading file cabinets into the U-Hauls and seizing boats, planes, computers, and people.

It wouldn’t shock me if right now there were a stack of sealed indictments, sealed plea deals, and sealed subpeonas (as well as sealed evidence) all waiting for the right person and time to flip. Then a judge will unseal it all, and everything will turn to more shit in Trump World. But Garland’s got to do this right. Remember, they cheated him out of a Supreme Court seat. He’s got to be perfect in this, or it will destroy him and be cast as some kind of “revenge plot by the spurned loser, Merrick Garland.”


To anyone who genuinely feels that way:

Get the hell out of the way, then; if you’re not going to be of any actual help. The rest of us have a fight to win.

Fuckin A, doc.

I ‘do not go gentle,’ and frankly, I have no patience left for anyone who does.

To quote a little-known movie that my kid and I love:


Quite. Just like Liz Cheney, she deserves a standing ovation for choosing country over party. And that’s about it.


I’m a patient old girl, the type who will wait years to binge watch a whole series at once.

I’m happy with this mental movie you’ve provided and look forward to these surprise visits by Feds with a UHaul.

Ridley ain’t got time for that doom-crying nonsense


Word, ya feel me?


Hell yeah, now I want that rig SO BAD. Would be handy in the coming fights, I’m thinking :thinking:




Especially after the fall of Roe V Wade, Ripley’s infamous line seems more pertinent than ever:

The ‘bitch’ in this instance being all fascists who threaten us.


Yeah, but he won in 2020 and I think that makes him ineligible. Oh, wait…

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Absolutely. I’d rather go down fighting beside you then accept the shit they’re cramming down our throat.

This is why we are all so disappointed in the Democratic party right now, despite the fact we’ll still vote for them. They are refusing to even join the fight and prefer standing on the sideline panhandling while blacks, women of all colors, LGBTQ+ individuals, and other marginalized communities are taking the punches. “Just vote” is the cry of someone who sees a way to win in November, not someone willing to put their lives and reputation on the line to do what’s right.

I want fucking AOC as my president, she fights.


I like to re-post (via Daily Kos) this 2003 essay by the late Steve Gilliard whenever the opportunity arises.

Steve Gilliard's "I'm a Fighting Liberal"


I don’t think it’s worth calling the USA version of a vote of no confidence a “conviction”. I mean, that’s all impeachment is about, isn’t it? Whether this or that person should be removed from office?

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Merrick Garland? Posting on BoingBoing? Well I never.

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So now the right is circulating something from “sources in the Secret Service” that the driver and Bobby whats-his-name from security are willing to testify the scene in the car didn’t happen.

Considering this scene was recounted in front of one of them, with out argument it didn’t happen, I call BS.

But it will give them someone to cling to and claim, “They won’t allow them to testify as to what really happened.”

But by all means, get those two’s testimony under oath on the books.

Impeachment is an indictment , a charge. After the indictment, a trial happens. That trial was in the senate where he was found not-guilty. So congress, as a whole body, indicted him but then found him not guilty. That doesn’t disqualify him from office via the constitution. He’d only be disqualified via impeachment if he was convicted and removed.


Ideally the whole crime family would get their own block.