Former 'Cosby' actor job-shamed by Fox News gets job offer from filmmaker Tyler Perry

In keeping with the theme, Trump spent the day attacking a Union leader:

I’d say “this is like attacking a former POW on Veterans’ Day” but I think he already did that. Can’t wait to see him unleash an angry tirade against baby Jesus this Christmas.


Just what was the end game of FUX news by airing this story? Really? Like spolied rotten children on a playground, they bring the worst of their inane, immature and spurious BS to the game.

I remember a few years ago a beloved local actor in my city died in a tragic accident, and there were people on the interwebs who were very upset that their surviving spouse (also a local actor) was crowdfunding for the funeral expenses, because the deceased had been on a network tv show once. For, like, four episodes. Their IMDB said so! These knuckleheads were so sure that meant the deceased must have been Rich and Famous. And you just know these are the same chucklefucks who make fun of the jobbing actors they meet in real life and say “lol, do you want fries with that?”


Considering that “actor in an 80s TV show now has a job at Trader Joe’s” is hardly what I’d call a newsworthy item that needs to be reported on in the first place, I absolutely think it was done to job-shame an African American.


The scandal/gossip rags do this to actresses and child actors all the time: “See where they are now!” “What ever happened to So-and-So?” “LOOK WHO GOT FAT!” They do this less often to men, but more often to anyone who isn’t a white man, for sure. White men have to really fuck up to not get a redemption narrative of some kind.


I’m not seeing a “Comments” section, but a couple of the reactions quoted in the article are offensive.

Good on Geoffrey Owens.

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Maybe ask yourself why it’s news in the first place. Man has a job! Why does that matter to their readers/viewers?


I’ll give you gossip rags for sure, but how often does that sort of thing percolate up to a(n ostensible) news organization like Fox as a top-line story? Their non-fellatory news coverage tends to fall into three camps: POCs having it too good, POCs being lazy/uppity, and blonde white girls getting kidnapped.


It’s called punching down. It’s the real stock in trade at Fox and the gossip rags.


If you take what these outlets routinely say about people who are “too lazy to have jobs”, and set that next to this invitation for millions of people to laugh at someone for working in a grocery store, you get a perfect diagram of what abject fucking filth they really are.

I sometimes say, and people wrongly think I’m joking, that if you work for an organ like the Daily Mail, even in the mail room, you should commit suicide. I mean, if you don’t think that literally anything else would be a better use of your life.


I didn’t say “comments’ section”; the same offensive tweeted reactions you just referenced are what I was was referring to.


Andy Kaufman apparently enjoyed working as a dishwasher even while doing Taxi and did it well. And trust me, that is not nearly as easy a job to do well as you might think.


Or at least having been a working actor. The irony is that if he was a highly successful actor who didn’t need side jobs, they’d be attacking him for being an “out-of-touch Hollywood elitist.”

People have really weird ideas of how the arts work and what the careers of artists are like. The assumption generally seems to be that there’s an early period of struggle, and then people either do something else or have “success” that leads to a life of riches. A friend has published a few novels (from which he’s made next-to-nothing), and when his girlfriend, an English teacher, had him come to her class to talk about the novel-writing process, the students all assumed he must be wealthy. As high school students, I figured that they would have known better by then, but apparently this is a view adults hold as well.


Not too far fetched. Baby Jesus was an infant immigrant, after all.


I have baseball cards of my Union Rep from when he pitched for the Oakland 'A’s.




There’s got to be a better word that jobshaming, no? They’re not “shaming” him for having a low-paying job not in his specialty. They’re making gleeful fun of him for it. It’s more a form of schadenfreude.

How about we use the transitive verb:


Uh, yeah… they really were.


That makes no sense because schadenfreude is when you laugh at an enemy’s misfortune, or someone who ‘has it coming.’

What the fuck did dude ever do to any of those people talking shit needlessly, or the people at Fox/Daily Mail who thought this kind of petty snobbery was actually ‘newsworthy?’

Besides be a man of color, who was once moderately famous, that is…


Those Germans have got a word for everything!