Former national security advisor Susan Rice says Lindsay Graham is "a piece of shit"

From the wiki article you linked to:

It has been considered symbolic of the “breakdown of reasoned discourse” that eventually led to the American Civil War.

It shall pass - just have to endure a few years of fascism and war, right?

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From the article, Sumner (the abolitionist) says of Brooks (the slaver):

“[He] touches nothing which he does not disfigure with error, sometimes of principle, sometimes of fact. He cannot open his mouth, but out there flies a blunder.”

The more things change, the more they stay the same.



John Cage supposedly used to say (probably stolen from zen Buddhism) “there is always just the right amount of evil in the world.”

If the end result* of Trump being president is that in 2020 we get a real progressive president in the White House, and a complete flip of Congress from right to left in both houses, then putting up with Trump for four years may have been worth it. Maybe, just maybe, if the average Trumpkin sees national health care isn’t the same as prison camps, and that his/her kids going to college without the crushing debt isn’t so bad, then it will be enough to change the tone of the zeitgeist to something more humane and reasonable. One can dream.

(* I know I know, it’s never really over. The pendulum swings back and forth-- see the John Cage quote for reference.)


That feels like another variation of the just-world hypothesis.

Stopping bigotry is a good end in itself. If bigotry wins, people re-build and that’s inspirational; but it really is better not to have had any atrocities like extra kids in cages, in the first place.





As I’ve said before, “the worse the better” is a position only the privileged progressive tends to take, because he knows deep down that he’ll never end up bearing the lion’s share of “the worse” – that, as always, is reserved for those without privilege.


I am only looking at how the pieces on the board are arranged and trying to guess the best likely outcome.

I am not advocating, and would prefer if we were not at this point; I have never wanted things to get worse, it just seems like that’s what keeps happening.


That is both accurate and disgusting. Need to find that mind bleach now.


“…sharp” but honest. You gotta’ give her that

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Gerrymandering probably helps.

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