Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/05/28/fortnite-battle-royale-chapter-5-season-3-is-pure-mayhem.html
Man, I am not sure I am really liking this season. The game mechanics just changed way too dang much. I think this might have been a better limited time mode.
Yeah, get one of the boss cars. Great idea. I just hope that when the boss has 10% health that the 3rd party camper doesn’t start to shoot me in the back, after I thought I cleared the area.
But the regular cars hold up ok… until late game when yours got beat to shit and there are not repair stations you can find (Which are WAY too god damn easy to blow to shit accidentally when you’re just trying to get on the pad.)
God help the poor SOB out in the open who doesn’t have the power glove. (Which seems to instantly wipe me when I fight it, but I can’t seem to hit shit when I use it.) God help you even with it - because it is increasingly hard to get into a position where you can damage a car with out getting lit up - unless you’re far away or they are distracted.
I’ve only one 1 game so far. I’m not a great player, but I hold my own and especially early season it has never taken me this long for a win.
But fundamentally the issue I see is that: Fortnite is a run around and shoot people game. Now it’s a drive around and blow stuff up while hopefully you don’t get blown up game. In solos it has issues where you can’t drive and shoot at the same time, so the frantic drive around and shoot things is more of a “drive up, switch seats, shoot, switch seats and drive some more”.
I dunno - it clashes with my play style. I am not the frantic move around crazy everywhere and make a lot of noise guy. I am a maneuver and flank sort of person. Or snipe from 100 yards away guy. I know the meta is shockwaves and what not, but other than the sword I was never super keen on movement items. I guess this will force me to learn the gloves (if you can find them!)
The cars are still OP especially the boss cars. For me, it’s either go after one and get stomped by better players (or shitty players who are just sneaky and back shoot me), or get to the end game where even if I got a decent car set up, it is still at a big disadvantage against a boss.
Sorry, I know I sound like an old man yells at cloud, but I am not alone in the frustration at the changes.
It can not last long.
I mean - it’s a whole season till November, right?
Unless they do a severe nerf. Unvault EMPs to make cars just a big target (turns them into a static turret?). Introduce more explosive weapons? (Which other than that nice lever action one, I don’t like because I end up hurting myself too often. )
Guess we will see. I will roll the chaos for now, but I still not thrilled about it.
The crossbow is pretty lethal against vehicles if you have enough ammo, and I’ve been able to fight a car with a pair of those power gloves. Every match, I try to take a dip in the green water so I can do a fast dodge if needed and/or get to melee range.
However, I play solo and that nerfs the cars with turrets pretty hard since the driver has to slide over to the passenger seat to actually use a grenade launcher, and that turns them into a static target.
I think they’ll nerf the heck out of cars, or we’ll see more easy car killers. I have had quite a few hilarious jumps into an occupied car and disrupt another team moments, tho.
I just found out you can double up and switch back and forth on the bows, so I am going to try that out. With drum mags that would be 10 rounds.
Another tip - if you’re in an SUV and in the turret, it is faster to hop out and back in than cycle through the seats (at least for some people who practice.)
Speaking of practicing, this has been a thing for awhile, but I have never done it. I tried the other day and fucked it up and got 2nd… but if you have your pick ax and are ACTIVELY SWINGING when entering a car, then look at the driver and you can pick ax them. You got to keep your finger on R2 (or what ever your fire button is) the whole time or it won’t work (didn’t know that the times in earlier seasons I tried it.)
It is pretty cool when it works, because they rarely realize what is going on until it is too late.
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