Four folk horror films not to miss


I immediately thought of this as well. One hell of a twist at the end.

I have to recommend A Field In England.

Just incredible.

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I haven’t seen this, but it sounds as if it would fit in the category. Also from Robert Eggers (The Witch).


Feeding hapless neighbors to a carnivorous tree stump isn’t funny?

Here’s a FH recommend - You Won’t Be Alone


What makes a Folk Horror though? I think Blair Witch should be in here too - there’s no tech, no summoning with a mirror or death by VHS. Seems a very pure evil-force-in-the-woods type scenario.

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The streaming service SHUDDER has an excellent library of Folk Horror flicks. I got sucked into this stuff for sure.

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Here is a recent doc on folk horror that is fantastic:

Woodlands Dark and Days Bewitched - A History of Folk Horror - 2022

There is also an incredible 20 movie compendium set if yer into physical media(a weakness of mine) called
All The Haunts Be Ours: A Compendium Of Folk Horror

(sorry I’m too dumb to figure out how to post links)


Christ, Ben Wheatley… what a maniac, that guy…


You can’t post links in your first couple of posts.
Just stick around for a bit.


Ah makes sense, thanks!


Final Prayer is fucking great.

OMG I watched the trailer for “Blood on Satan’s Claw” without realizing that this was the movie that freaked me out when I was a little kid. I had forgotten about it for decades only to have it all come flooding back after seeing the scene where the guy dug up the eyeball head thing in the field. Thanks, BoingBoing.


The restoration is part of an EU funded project (so you could watch free films in all participating companies) so the rights would be cheap. Perhaps there’s some zombie company (the worst kind of zombies) stopping it being released in the US?

Also, we used to have to hack stuff region free all the time, does the old look up the keypresses on your remote control not work any more? Always excepting Sony DVD players of course.

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Wait… that’s a thing? Should I look it up?

Yes! Usually described as “Easter egg region free hack” for DVD players. I suspect that blu ray is harder.

All my old DVD players (including at work) we had to do it like it was a game and it gave you infinite lives.

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Oh! I never knew! I’ll have to figure it out on our player! Thanks!

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… it might be in the manual :wink:


We don’t have a tradition of horror films in Brazil. But our Argentine neighbors can do scary good things.