Four Persian drivers arrive simultaneously at an intersection

In driving school, this question from our…

Instructor: "What do you do if you and all other vehicles arrive at an intersection simultaneously and sort of just sit there.

Students: “Duh.”

Instructor: "You make eye contact, take the initiative, motion for one of the other drivers to move through the intersection, and continue that until the mess is cleared.


o…m…g… this explains traffic in North York (a.k.a. Tehranto). :smile:

Hmm. I’ve lived in England, Minnesota, and Portland, even had driving licenses from the first two, and I wouldn’t call the drivers in any of those places “polite”. More like “extremely passive-aggressive”.

Iowa, however, had this all the time, minus the chatter. I also remember getting stuck behind a guy in a parking ramp in Iowa City; the ramp was free on Sundays, so the booth was unmanned and the arm was up, but the guy was determined not to go through until he’d found a way to pay.

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Then there’s the New Jersey left . . . which appears to randomly be either a jug handle, three right turns, a right followed by two lefts, or very rarely an actual direct left turn.

Seriously, as a new New Jersey resident, can someone explain what the fuck Jersey’s problem with left turns is? I never know if I need to be in the left lane or the right.


I hate to be That Guy and ruin a joke but we have more roundabouts in the UK because they are objectively better at keeping traffic flowing.

^^^ winner

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