Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/09/11/idiot-drivers-fight-for-the-mi.html
Is that LA? Cause every time I go to LA, this or something like it happens on the freeway.
They are double tailgating!!!
Ugh - this drives me crazy to see. Just fall back and take that big 30ft gap behind you.
God, please bring the self-driving cars and save us from our stupid monkey brained selves…
Looks like it’s in Asia, judging by the lettering on the road markings that peek through every now and then. (I’m not going to take a stab at guessing which country, because I am awful at distinguishing the characters.)
Somewhere in Asia, I recognize the kanji characters from Japanese of 左,出,口 meaning probably something like Left Exit Entrance? They would mean around the same in Chinese languages.
Taiwan apparently. Also 4 years ago…apparently
Minivan seems to think it has right of way. Not sure how it works in Taiwan, but as a rule entering traffic should yield.
Pushing it into the wall is a bit extreme, but after putting up with that bullshit I’d be sorely pressed not to.
Y’all are reading it all wrong. The van and the coupe are teaming out to help push the sedan in front, which is obviously in some sort of distress. The coupe the helps the van, which is suffering from a steering malfunction, by nudging it in the desired direction.
My best friend is the sweetest, nicest, kindest guy you could hope to meet.
Except when he’s driving. Then he can be a real asshole for no apparent reason.
Missing all the ‘before’ portion of the video.
The best term I ever heard in a traffic school I attended (totally voluntarily, of course! ) was ‘conditional priorities’. There is no ‘right of way’; there are ‘conditional priorities’. They constantly shift, depending on what is going on.
So I’d like to see the part at the beginning, where the white car could have totally and reasonably let that car in (especially if it was as simple “you then you then you then you” merge and he hadn’t yielded to…I don’t know…just like ‘one’ car). Does the video at the beginning show the white car hugging the car in front, while everyone is going like…10…refusing to let one, little car in front, lest he lose his precious 25 extra ft between his life being an overwhelming success and a complete disaster?
Thinking you have a right to anything on the road leads to all sorts of problems. Conditional priorities. Plus, “don’t be a dick” is always helpful.
I drive in a way to minimize damage and injury, even if that means I yield to some asshole trying to cut me off.
I drive like a gentleman.
Using alternative scientific methods and knowledge it is clear that one of the cars in front of the two (clearly) male vehicles is a female in heat. This happens often and is natural and is dismissed as human error or poor judgment by the mass media and the governments of the world.
If we only looked at the world in an alternative way we could see the messages clearly visible on the imprints on American cheese slices that will help through these difficult and dark times.
I would see this everyday on 394 in Minnesota too.
What are my mom and dad doing in Asia?
And Taiwan requires all vehicles to have dashcams, so Audi driver is either a foreigner who doesn’t know that or a complete idiot, [insert why-not-both gif here].
We should make them get out and fight to the death.
There are no drivers. Autobot vs. Decepticon.
Among all my other “WTF” questions is, why are they fighting over the worst lane available?
Disney nailed this phenomenon almost 70 years ago.