Originally published at: Fowl play: "gang" of turkeys leave man with broken hips and multiple lacerations | Boing Boing
Seriously, do not mess with wild turkeys.
Smoke ‘em, Barry.
I will remember to confine my contact to the glass!
A single glass.
Probably radial saurian revanchists; the ones that consider the K-T event reforms illegitimate.
It’s not just wild turkeys, even domestic ones will mess you up given the chance. I used to visit a turkey at Riverdale farm in Toronto and that bird was literally never friendly.
How would you get down from a turkey?
You don’t, you get down from a duck.
“Gang,” I understand. is one of the proper terms for a group of turkeys as are “flock” and “rafter.”
Silly goose!
they found a man who had been attacked by some angry birds.
That’s not even their final form.
These turkeys aren’t doing much to dissuade me from my firm belief that all birds are assholes.
The problem with that scene is the implication that a six foot turkey wouldn’t be an absolute nightmare.
Now I’m hoping Jeff Bezos encounters a 6’ turkey on his provate island…
As soon as he looks in a mirror….
…while on stilts? Or is this a bendy funhouse mirror?
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