Originally published at: Watch two brave cops face an obstinate turkey that broke into an apartment | Boing Boing
Squirrel Cop:
Turkeys are among the closest living relatives of the velociraptor.
“How far down is it?”
“Eh, second floor…”
As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly!
Wonderful. Don’t mess with geese, people.
(As an aside, when will people realise they need approx 20 seconds of black at the end of their video or YT will just obscure half the image of the last few seconds with links to the next one?)
Bad boids-bad boids, whatchu gonna doo…
[ rimshot ]
Thank you, i’ll be here all week…
Wild turkeys are pretty clever and mean.
Domestic turkeys are so dumb they can drown while staring at rain clouds during a storm.
Either way, this seems like a strong argument for defunding the police and using that funding for experts who could handle this problem more efficiently and professionally.
And they don’t give a fuuucckkk. I have encountered some who wandered into suburban spaces and they were not worried about me or my car. Came right up to me and wanted my wallet!
And for others who don’t know, male tom turkeys have spurs and they can get pretty darn large. I wouldn’t want to grapple with one. That’s why the cop was like “at least it is a female”.
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