Fox anchor wonders how we can identify bad guys if we don't know their skin color

So things were going in America, until Reagan and Rupert Murdoch.


Yes. If you are describing a specific alleged offender, skin tone is relevant. If I say a male in their twenties in a green jacket just shot someone and din’t say they are skin tone v, lots of people who are clearly not that skin tone (whether its black, white, or in between) are getting stopped for no reason. Its a waste if time at the least, and on both sides. This is not the same as racial profiling, which says n-2 of the last n robbery suspects where race y, so we need to stop people who are race y.

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What bunch of right-wing white domestic terrorists did the US just bust? The last white terrorist event we had was the botched NAACP bombing, and they haven’t caught that white guy yet.

Here, let me FTFY:

It is, according to far left liberals. They believe there is a for[SIC] real political war going on here and now and that anything that does not glorify the collective glorifies white people instead – no middle ground, no shades of grey, everything either black or white.

When you want to start a war that’s how you do it: polarize your view
and the opposite view, making them opposite and say to everyone that
you are either with us or against us.

You would be surprised how many people believe this – people you work with, people you know, people you are standing in line next to at the grocery store, sitting next to at the theater. And they are not your stereotypical fringe image of a socialist fanatic, they are the upstanding liberal folk who feel they are the few who are doing what is right for their party, paying their taxes, criticizing business, being good discontents, upstanding citizens.

EDIT: Added emphasis.

And, you are helping exactly how?

Do you mean my reply?

By displaying the often not considered opinions of “The Other”. People are not bad or nefarious for simply disagreeing.

“They might even be standing next to you in a grocery store!” Please.

You didnt catch the irony in the second paragraph about polarization? Do us all a favor and re-read it.

Hmmmm. I might have been willing to consider the notion that there’s something to what you say. But then you ruined it all by condescending to me at the end. Cheers.


I was one of those far right evangelicals, I was a spiritual warrior, I was casting out demons, etc. I am speaking from years of experience of having been one of them and from years of fellowship with these people. Your convenient stereotypical categorization of me as a “far left liberal”, as you assumed in your “FTFY”, is incorrect and a stereotypical categorization based on your assumptions rather than on your direct experience of what I was talking about.

As for your “collective”, “socialist fanatic”, “discontent” comments in your FTFY – no, I reject all of those ideas and philosophies… Again, that is your stereotypical categorization.

So when I say that the evangelical Christian right thinks there is a spiritual war going on, yeah, they really do think that. They think that what’s going on in the Middle East is spiritual war and part of the “End Times”. Do they talk about it to people outside their religious circle? No. People outside their circle have no idea that the evangelical Christian right sees the world that way.


Well, since you are referring to “them” in such a way, it appears that they are stereotypical for you, unless this is part of your exercise in sarcasm. Not all lefties are fanatic, tax payers, or members of political parties. It sounds to me that you are joking about what I call “token liberals”, I have met quite a few. I just dismiss the phenomenon as being that many people have a “team” or a “tribe” without having any well-thought out political opinions.


As far as I’m concerned, any resident of Oklahoma is one of the bad guys.

And what the open carry advocates are too stupid to understand is that any time I see an armed gun nut, the only rational response for me is to assume he/she is a bad guy and I should invoke the Bush Doctrine and take him/her out before I am harmed.

Good, this means you will start with the police, which is a great step towards making life better for all.

I’m sorry, the rational to irrational ratio of your comment is too much for me to parse.

Insult, insult, insult, but not rational people like you, insult, and finally idle threat.

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No, you are correct, I know know nothing of your background.

I dont want you to take my FTFY post as a personal dig. I was merely demonstrating the ironic point in your second paragraph.

Yea, my post was indeed an exercise in sarcasm- although I think it was a useful demonstration. I interpreted @Melted_Crayons post as well… polarizing. I sought to demonstrate this polarization by replacing the subjects and principles with those of the other.

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