Cute as hell, but does anyone else get a little depressed at seeing this? The poor wild guy is following his instincts and hunting for food, and (in my normal human way of personifying everything I see, whether warranted or not) looks sad and confused when he fails. Then tries again. And again. And will always fail.
Ah well, I’m a bleeding heart… here’s one doing it for reals for ya!
Yup, definitely standard canine (and feline) behavior. Always cute. Add in a moving toe under the sheets for extra fun (note - only for pets that you trust not to actually bite your foot too hard).
Rescued from the fur trade. Her owner seems a bit on the nutty side, but she’s quick to tell everyone that having a pet fox is damn near impossible for most people, so at least she’s not outright enabling.
I’ve seen videos like this in the past, and always wondered about them. I’m assuming they’re guided by sound or smell from their prey underground. If so, why would foxes (or dogs) go after beds, which presumably don’t have either. Are they hearing bedsprings that sound like small animals underground? (Someone put a fox on one of those fancy pocket-coil mattresses. Or a waterbed. For science!) Or is it just time to wash those bed sheets?