Fox News hires tiny little people to work on gigantic iPads for new set

I’m a big fan of citizen journalism but it’s not a replacement for the kind of extended, in-depth research and careful communications that professional news organizations have the wherewithal to perform.

Citizen journalism and professional journalism should focus on their respective strengths and respect and integrate the other as appropriate. If this video is to be believed, Fox seems to feel the future of journalism is professional retweeting.

But they may just be playing that angle up to look modern I suppose.


Mind Control…genius!

I thought I had run out of new contexts in which to say about Fox News, “What the fuck?” Thanks for proving me wrong, Fox!

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Very smart. This way, they can separate the saucer of the USS Fox, leaving its civilian population behind, and head into battle unencumbered by the unwashed masses yearning to breathe free.


Really? You think that the principle job of a news room should be to vet tweets?

Just a creative solution to trying to make touchscreen touch location accuracy reach the resolution levels of a mouse.


That would make an amazing drafting workstation though.


It takes some serious technology to spin the news that hard. Generating new conspiracy theories, dig up old swiftboat allegations, etc.

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Finally CNN has a competitor for Stupidest use of technology.


That does seem rather awful. Now that I think of it, not that different from the drawing tables that some of us spent years leaning over.

Those folks are doing important work. Every morning they get a directive from Roger Ailes himself.

Today, they’re photoshopping a black hoodie and a nose-bone into every photograph of Obama in the Newscorp archives.

In their spare moments they create versions of Fox News programming in which they’ve always opposed the radical “Tea Party,” which secretly cooperated with Obama in making the country default on its loans. They’ve only got until October 17 to get this work done, so wish them luck!


It’s so cute when they smack at the screen trying to get the mouse out.

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Chainsaw Suit’s on it:

Wait… This isn’t a 'shop from The Onion??


Such big screens and so little truth.


If those interns, I mean journalists, are reviewing footage from the field and editing video those screens would make some sense . . . a couple of feet away. Touch? no, not after twenty minutes. Why don’t they hire the set designer from CSI? Oh, wait. It is just followers of Fox News who watch this. No need for any kind of appeals to credibility. It would be completely wasted.

Guess it’s “go big or go home”.

Brightness issues? No problem; just issue each of them a really cool pair of sunglasses. Because the future.


[Temple Run 2] 1
I’ve been wondering who was operating the gorilla… jeez, what a testy guy!

I worked for a number of TV stations, including a FOX O&O. When I sat in on the morning news meetings I never heard anyone ask “Do we have any extended, in-depth research on that story?” What they always wanted to know was “How good’s the video?” At least 50% of modern “reporting” is nothing more than pulling wirecopy up on a computer and doing a copy & paste.

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