Fox News hires tiny little people to work on gigantic iPads for new set

What the heck is happening at 4:48? Duel who turns the tv on first?

those images on the screens are not live. Look at the one guy on the right hes just moving his hand like hes doing something and hopes hes in sync. I’m old, but not that old to not catch that bullshit.

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See, I was going to point that out too. Must be the soon to be released Lumia 2620…

According to the promo video for the news deck, those at the helm are “information specialists”-- no journalists necessary.

I get that you’re not going to be in charge of your building’s AC, but the concept of using even more energy, by using heating, to counteract the AC that is cranked too hard just makes me cry a little for the world.

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Bad ergonomics meets fancy-looking technology meets insatiable greed, O, where have I seen this before?


Oh, swell.

Now I have Cycle 5’s “Blood from a Stone” running through my head.

We see that all the time at our office, and at most offices I’ve worked in. Little fan heaters under desks being used to counteract the arctic chill of air conditioning that seemingly can’t be controlled. HVAC engineers should be re-trained as Fox “journalists”.

Wait, are they minature people or just big iPads? Or both?

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The sped-up video segment hints at completely incompetent project management, planning and execution. Equipment gets moved in and out, and around for no apparent reason, other perhaps than to make it look like lots of stuff happened. Could it be that the whole concept of this “news” room and the giant iPads is little more than an elaborate set to make Fox “News” look high-tech and modern? Surely not. It MUST be important (in some way that is not apparent to me) for the “journalists” to be visible behind the talking heads (and for the talking heads to be visible at all, I guess).

Heeeeey, that reminds me of the BBC newsroom, only slightly more frightening.

The news is so big, we need a BIG touchscreen to handle it all!

So we’ve got . . . what? Shots from Metropolis and the album cover from In The Court of the Crimson King coming up next?

Man, he’s got a giant head!

I’m guessing this is all about continuing to con people who don’t know better, V2.0.
Computers – big ass computers – must mean it’s more true, so now Fox can’t be held liable for
slanting news or lying b/c it’s the fault of the big ass computers and the internets!

(Of course, Fox will still chose what to run and what to exclude, just like always, thus
slanting the news.)

So, basically, if the NSA guy got his own version of the Enterprise bridge…


If one is good, two must be better!

They expect us to believe they call them BATs - Big AREA Touchscreens? Yeah, right.

Forget the giant touchscreens, I can’t wait to see TV anchors forced to do everything via Microsoft Kinect.


Bullshit artists.

Wow, this is like a Tom the Dancing Bug. Satire is now truly indistinguishable from reality.

I think this goes to show just how much Fox owns its hearts and minds; to be able to brag about how much they spent on blatant window-dressing for their Bullshit Mountain. ‘We blew a ton of cash, more than you’ll ever make, on bells and whistles that are completely pointless except for their ability to help us feed you shit - suck it up and enjoy.’

Pity for Fox ahem journalists? You must be on drugs.

As you’re well aware, that job description is an utter lie; they’re plainly actors - propagandists.

As such, stiff shit if they don’t like their new working conditions. Oh, that’s right - in America you’re fucked without a job, so there’s not so much leeway to exercise your conscience… maybe a little pity then.

Hey, does anyone know if any of the touchscreen slaves are actually recognisable, or if they’re just faceless interns? I strongly suspect there isn’t an ounce of substance to this display, even though they’ll probably initially make a big show of how they’re supposedly putting it to use…

Oh well, look on the bright side - maybe this’ll spur one or two Fox viewers to put their brain in gear and stop being a fucking idiot.

We live in hope.

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