I think she is just channeling her pickled liver’s whisperings again.
As someone said, Trump has replaced dog whistles with steam whistles.
“Omar wears a hijab, which according to the Koran 33:59, tells women to cover so they won’t get molested,” Pirro said in a segment.
Maybe she doesn’t want to get grabbed?
I suggest that possibly “something’s going to happen” to Jeanine Pirro (if it hasn’t already) – a couple Secret Service agents knocking on her door, “inviting” her to discuss with them what she thinks / knows is going to happen to Presidential candidate Joe Biden under Secret Service protection.
For some reason, out of all the hateful stupid shit mouthed by fuckfaced right-wing imbeciles every day, I particularly despise the fake-Koran-scholar move.
I mean, she appears to have shat her brain at some point
“I have a sense that something’s going to happen before the election and he’s not even going to be on the ticket”
This could have been taken out of a Godfather script, and surely that woman should be investigated. That looks like the way powerful people use the media to send messages in the wild that they want someone to be given some treatment, until some Mafia thugs get the job.
It should be up to her to demonstrate that instead it’s just her acting more stupid than usual.
“People are saying…”
Nice campaign you have there. Be a shame if something happened to it.
You know you’ve messed up when it’s a bridge too far for Jesse Watters.
Does Biden have secret service protection yet, or is that only after the convention?
I think he already has it as ex-VP, but so could be wrong about that.
This CNN article says his protection as a former VP ended in 2017 (six months after his term ended) and his protection as a candidate started in March of this year.
Former presidents get lifetime protection. If Trump goes to prison, I wonder if that protection requirement would be satisfied by the guards where he’s held prisoner rather than Secret Service agents.
Please, if he isn’t sending a cannolo, it may be a bombolone, but not cupcakes…
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