Originally published at: Fox News sends Tucker Carlson a cease-and-desist letter — "Carlson will not be silenced by anyone"replies his lawyer | Boing Boing
When you say “our country” you mean Russia right?
“The enemy of my enemy is still a piece of shit.”
- Someone Famous
…according to Twitter, if you watch a video for two seconds, with only half the video player in-view, you count as one video view.
And with autoplay on - that is really easy to do…
In no way do I want to seem like I support Carlson, but attempting to enforce a no-compete against someone you unceremoniously fired seems like a bridge to far even if you believe in no-competes.
They want to stop paying him so are suing for breach of contract. The rest is just bafflegab.
In no way do I want to seem like I support Fox, but not being able to enforce a non-compete against someone who gets themselves “unceremoniously fired” – um, except still with a contract and pay? – seems like a pretty big loophole if they’re supposed to do anything.
Tucker got a severance package worth at least $25 Million as part of the same contract that included the non-compete clause. He knew what he was signing.
Sadly, I think I’ll be waiting a very long time indeed before seeing ol Fncker Snarlson in rags on the street corner with a badly lettered, badly soiled cardboard sign that says “will garble conspiracy theories and bullsh!t for spare change”
Maybe the sign says “gargle”? Hard to tell the difference really.
I didn’t know the terms of his contract, so what you and Brainspore share does change things. I still can’t decide which I despise more of Fox, non-competes, and Carlson. As a non-American, it’s probably non-competes.
“People like me, man!”
'… like is probably too strong a word."
Harmeet Dhillon told Axios:
“Tucker will not be silenced by anyone,” she continued. “He is a singularly important voice on matters of public interest in our country, and will remain so.”
Harmeet, you gotta lay off the booze during business hours. (And the LSD isn’t helping either.)
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