Freak storm, with hail the size of tennis balls, hospitalizes 7 attending Colorado concert

Originally published at: Freak storm, with hail the size of tennis balls, hospitalizes 7 attending Colorado concert | Boing Boing


“freak storm” i fear is just an indicator of all too common future storm(s) -sigh-


It most certainly was not a ‘freak storm’ by any measure. I watched the storm roll in from the north for about 2 hours last night. It was quite a light show.

I live about 10 miles away from RR and we started getting large marble sized hail at around 9pm. Hail storms are not uncommon but it was rare to happen so late at night. A friend in Colorado Springs showed me pictures of golf ball size hail they got earlier in the day.

We had been getting weather alerts all day yesterday so it really should not have to come as a surprise to anybody to be aware. Red Rocks is a “rain or shine” venue so we always go there prepared for just about anything.


We got pummelled in the ER last night with about 20 walk-ins and ambulances from the hail event. Mostly banged and bruised. And compared to the usual Red Rocks nightmare patients, these folks were pretty much all really nice - I don’t know Louis Tomlinson music but their fans were definately a good group of folks!


i love how the hail gets bigger with every retelling. earlier this morning i heard “golf balls” – now they are “tennis balls.” They look more like large gumballs to me. At this rate, by this evening they will have passed “softball” and be well on their way to “cantaloupe.”


I saw some other videos from this today as well.
There was an INSANE amount of water and hail pouring down the venue steps and stands as people were trying to GTFO of there.


You could measure them in something more definitive like centimetres or grams, but where’s the fun in that?


IME, Red Rocks seems to either have the most beautiful outdoor weather for a concert or the most unholy lightning and hail deluges. Sometimes you get both!


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