Originally published at: http://boingboing.net/2016/09/20/french-schools-use-3d-printed.html
Nice going, France. Now everybody will want one!
Stroking the clitoris? What’s wrong with a kiss boy?
Kissing the clitoris? I suppose that if the woman has already consented to having it stroked it’s probably OK, but ask just to make sure.
Yeah it is.
deceptive Guardian article:
tldr. because she thought the sex-ed in France is awful, a scientist created a 3D-model free to download (by teachers or anyone else).
And now she’s also complaining that the Guardian (and other US medias) reinforced French stereotypes.
The clitoral marches are a bit odd. They get bigger as they go on, then pull back before reaching the destination.
New gum!
You can, sadly, only satisfy half the adult population at the time. But that’s still much better than the average political party manages.
It will go so well with my Nick Cave doll!
As someone from the Midwestern US:
[takes deep breath]
That does not look like any clitoris I ever met. This probably proves I am a tool of the Patriarchy.
HA! This line can be repeated for just about anyone getting sex-education in 'Merica.
I’m getting a “War of the Worlds” vibe from that thing.
Well, how many sex-ed classes did you take in France? Maybe they aren’t that great.
While room for improvement, as someone from the midwest, my sex ed classes were servicable.
The same number as I had in the Midwest: zero.
Like I said…
Really? How do you know? Do you have a basis for comparison?
(Only being slightly snarky, it’s an important question for anyone receiving any kind of education.)
Well, I had a kid, so I got it right at least once.
Pretty sure pregnancy happens in the absence of sex ed, too, if not more so…