Pretty sure pregnancy happens in the absence of sex ed, too, if not more so…
But I was trying to that time. And I avoided it up to then. So… yay?
Unless you were a trainee medic, that’s not so surprising.
I have been told (by medics) that the nature and function of the clitoris was a bit of a trade secret in medical school, because once the word got round, presentable medical students could become very popular. Of course, now medical school is not mainly male and we have the Internet, that’s another of the weapons of the patriarchy with thermit detonated in the breech.
How was the lab course?
Next year’s curriculum: signing all of the students up for OMGYES [Link NSFW].
Oooh, kinky!
Tangentialy related: I thought the clitoris was the inspiration for the name of the British electronic mayhem duo Fuck Buttons.
I still don’t know what their inspiration actually was but I like my own explanation too much to find out.
Men are from Mars, women are from Venus, clitorises are also from Mars though
Poor French people, always being stereotyped as great lovers.
It was the late night home work that was the most time consuming.
Vive Le France!
I’m a little embarrassed to admit that model is a complete surprise to me. I hope I will be able to put this knowledge to good use!
It does highlight sexual asymmetry in sex ed, more emphasis on the penis than the clitoris, more emphasis on the uterus and ovaries than the testes.
To be fair, as noted in the OP, the knowledge is actually fairly new…which only serves to emphasize your point, research should have found this out a long time ago…
It is true what they say… Women are from Omicron Persei 7; men are from Omicron Persei 9
Sorry. Any mention of the clitoris and my mind goes immediately to Futurama.
Death by Snoo-Snoo!
Our male cat, while neutered, likes to, uh, bother the female cats. We tended to call him “nuisance” a lot, for that and other things. For some reason, we also called him “snuisance,” maybe a shortening of “such a nuisance” or something. When we saw that episode, naturally his name became “snoo-snuisance.”
I used to find that funny until someone pointed out that snu-snu is just rape. Kind of killed the humor for me.
It’s a curse, you have no idea!