Fuck Elon Musk (Part 1)

… of course in most programming languages one could just put one word on each line :thinking:


Or everything on one really long line.

Technically yes, and in a text editor that would count as lines. If you actually use the tools that measure complexity, that’s accounted for.

Betting Elmo would use the first metric of lines though.

… looks like it’s back to the bird today :confused:

Let’s deploy on the Friday before a holiday weekend. What could possibly go wrong?

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I recognize two of the quotes were from people with valid concerns, but…

The interview could also put Yaccarino, a top ad executive, in the somewhat difficult position of playing the role of a hard-hitting journalist.

I wish the author pointed out some of the people in this industry started disguising their advertising as local news interviews after people started making fake Larry King clips.

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yes, yes, we are media, and we are funded by the government, but, um, :thinking:

well not exactly. they’re funded by a licensing fee imposed by royal order, collected by the government. ( as opposed to some other countries which use taxes from central funds with a budget determined by law makers )

though funding is a red herring, of course. the real question is whether editorial direction is independent from government – or, heck – corporate interest. ( ironic considering how twitter’s editorial direction – such as it is – is now completely at the discretion of a single person. )


Plus doesn’t the BBC technically still operate at the behest and decree and leisure of the King of England? I mean I know we’re not talking Henry VIII days and powers here, but the legal status is basically “God made Charles the King and this operates at his behest and leisure as all things do in the UK and other realms God made him ruler over”, so I can kind of see how a “state funded media” tag would be appropriate there.

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It’s a dumb hill to die on—of course BBC is state media, it’s the canonical example of state media

They should just own it and point out how corporate and partisan media are more corrupt


There’s absolutely no point labelling BBC as government funded, which I’m fine with, unless you label all the other media oligarch funded, corporate controlled etc.

Oh wait, there is a point, it’s just completely disingenuous.


Elon Musk, the personification of the saying “for every problem there is a solution which is simple, obvious, and wrong.”


Didn’t do it to Yle either.