Fuck Elon Musk (Part 1)

I hope that all of this is making it very clear to anyone who thinks they are staying on Twitter in order to build their brand (or really for any reason at all) that you are building on shifting sands and as long as you depend on not just Twitter, but any of these platforms, you are at their mercy. Elon is the one making this the most obvious but it has always been the case.

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QAnon Anonymous Episode 241: There Is No Twitter, Only X feat. Ryan Broderick

Social media is in flux. The disruption started when Elon Musk acquired Twitter, purged most of the staff, turned the blue checkmark verification system into a pay for play system, and welcomed previously banned extremists and QAnon followers back onto the platform. To add to the chaos, last week Elon announced that Twitter is rebranding as “X.” His stated goal is to turn X into an “everything app,” an all-in-one platform for messaging, voice and video calls, social media posts, payment services, and more. This rebrand included erecting a giant metal flashing X on top of the former Twitter building, much to the discomfort of the building’s neighbors in San Francisco.

On today’s episode we discuss how emboldened conspiracists are using their paid checkmarks to build clout and spread disinformation. This includes a newcomer to disinformation game named Dom Lucre, who was suspended for posting child abuse material before Elon personally restored his account. And General Michael Flynn and former 8kun administrator Ron Watkins working to revive pizzagate ahead of the coming election season.

We also chat with tech journalist Ryan Broderick in an attempt to figure out why Elon Musk is doing all this.


insert shockeded not shocked gif here


The volume of people still thinking that Musk will honour a commitment keeps exceeding my expectations.


I wonder what’s going to hit a limit first. The number of people expecting Musk to honor a contract, or the number of people expecting TFG not to stab them in the back.


There has got to be an overlap, might skew the numbers.


… he was always one of the owners

OpenAI is a research program with the goal of creating a “friendly” AI. It’s an idea that picked up steam quickly and plenty of investors got on board, including Elon Musk, Ilya Sutskever, and Peter Theil, among others. [link]

everyone we want in charge of a “friendly” A.I. :roll_eyes:


X (Twitter) is willing to go to bat for the workers of the world, as long as they don’t happen to work for X (Twitter).


Can’t pay his rent. Can’t pay his employees. Can’t pay his subscribers’ split of the ad revenue. Totes def going to fund your legal bill, no limit.

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Shouldn’t that be decided by the fight itself?
Sure, no streaming then, but watching a recording shortly after the event would be good enough for me.

The fight that won’t be happening is going to be streamed on twitter? Somebody better check with their mothers. I think somebody has been forging signatures on the permission slips.


… he has to bring it up again whenever people stop talking about it :thinking:

He can just say anything though and it will remind everyone of their desire to see him punched in the face, even if it has to be done by an evil robot like Zuckerberg.

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Needs some more time to process the payments?

So he’s sacked the accountants. Such financial genius. Start with sacking all the people who actually earn the revenue, drive away your customers, fine fine, but never fucking cross the accountants. Never.