Fuck Elon Musk (Part 2)

It’s Full Self Capsizing!


Without clicking, I couldn’t tell which of @FGD135 recent posts this was intended for. Works for 'em both.

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I think Adam is a bit off the mark here. We aren’t “trapped” on Twitter, everyone who is still there has the option to leave. It just isn’t a convenient option for everyone (especially people like Adam who don’t want to give up their hard-won social media followings).


Oh wow, at LEAST 100m of water…glad I’ll be able to cross a medium sized river and nothing else.

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Of course if the car is floating that means you won’t be able to cross the river unless you have some kind of outboard motor attached. You will just float down the river for 100 meters and then sink.


My guess is the primary use case is people with boats screwing up and then needing a tow out.

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What, have you not bought some rowers?


Existing Tesla models have not fared well in submarine mode.


Yeah, that was the case I was thinking of. Maybe with the boat package it’ll last a few seconds longer before catching on fire.


To be fair trapping users is every billionaire social media network’s business model: don’t support interoperability, don’t allow porting your connections, offer it for free and make it an essential part of your life, then start squeezing (fiddling with the feed so the users see what you want rather than what they asked for) safe in the knowledge that they are trapped. I think that’s why people I knew were shocked I could drop it just like that: they valued their dank shitposting a lot more than I did. I spent time and recruited others for blocking and reporting users - particularly over a couple of really disturbing events - the death of a friend’s son who was a left wing activist, and the killing of a Black man by the Gardaí, that I already felt dirty just being there.

I lost some political connections but it wasn’t much to me. It is to others. They don’t want to lose their network and cede an area of the public sphere that they like to Nazis. I don’t think it’s salvageable but people tell me they get a really compartmentalised view of it and much fewer ads.


Something tells me it’s going to be the other way round (assuming the cybertrucks still floating)

Finnish rivers aren’t very wide, but I don’t think it could handle the embankments or river’s edge or riverbank what are those called anyway?


A Tesla owner says he got a $14,000 repair bill one day after buying a Model Y. A new report suggests it’s part of a much bigger problem.


  • A Tesla owner walked away with a $14,000 repair bill from a day-one issue with his Model Y.
  • The Model Y’s suspension broke with only 115 miles on the odometer, according to a report.
  • Reuters found that Tesla has faced thousands of complaints over suspension and steering issues.

Does that report include the suggestion that they are much more likely to fix them in warranty in China than Europe and America?

Which is interesting as the Chinese kids have been telling me for years that Tesla’s are shit.


Tesla’s air filters are responsible for purifying the air inside the car’s cabin. Over time, the filters get clogged with dust, debris, and pollutants, and that leads to less effective air purification and, you guessed it, bad smells. It got even worse when it rained. … While the problem isn’t unique to Tesla, its decision to put the onus of replacing the air filters on owners sets it apart from other automakers.

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I never change our filters but it’s part of the checklist that is done when our car goes for its pre mandatory vehicle test service annually. Like oil filters, different oils, alignment of wheels and lights and all that. And the cost is nothing like the numbers suggested there from a Tesla fan for why this is better. Sure I could do that, but there’s other stuff I can’t so this happens at the same time and takes the mechanic seconds in the scheme of the service.

Of course I use an independent mechanic so it’s much cheaper than going to a factory shop.

Much much.

Well, that’s something the beetle and the CT seem to have in common. They were both an initiative of a racist asshole!

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You can add the Model T to that list