Fuck Elon Musk (Part 2)

No, no, it’s good that they can expand the tunnels.
They are this close to inventing trains, I would like to see them succeed at it.


Elon has other plans.


The “X” Factor of entrepreneurship!

This has major spoilers of For All Mankind, FYI:

Gonna cross post to the space thread…


No, he’s not inventing trains, this was never about mass transit, this is about private highways for the wealthy and privileged. Tunnels going from where the traffic starts to jam up around cities into their hearts, private vehicles and those weird car-skateboard things, a lack of vacuum or even built infrastructure that could handle it – these are what you need for a private, paid for by the state but only available to the elites highway system. The vacuum-train idea was to get the rubes and marks and politicians (but I repeat myself) to buy-in enough to get things started and get the eminent domain land-grabs and rights-of-ways, but the only thing that will be built is private highways for elites.


that was excellent! thnx!

The problem with Dev Ayesa will always be that he is actually competent and thus part of the Elon Musk hype in real life.

(stolen from ytube commentator guyincognito3493)

I would assume FGD135 was sarcastic, given the general tone of the thread.




Correct. He’s not smart enough.

My background is in civil engineering, so this is interesting to me. I’ve been discussing this, on and off, with various people since 2018 when the first test tunnel, a bit under 2 km in length, had been bored in California.

It’s Teslas driving through a tunnel. In the test tunnel the cars (model Xs) had little wheels on the front corners to keep the “autonomous” cars in between the concrete curbs at the bottom of the tunnel walls. A motor journalist who was driven through the test tunnel described the system at the time as being pretty much like what Disneyland uses for their Autopia ride.

In the discussions I had, the suggestion “What if they put the vehicles on, I don’t know, some sort of track?” practically made itself.

Then there were the traffic jams en miniature. Apparently still a problem. Human drivers don’t really synchronise that well. Unless they are trained professionals who perform a meticulously choreographed and rehearsed routine for, say a movie stunt.
So the next self-generating suggestion was, of course, “What if the vehicles were all, like, linked together?”

You see where this is going. “Close to inventing trains” is a bit of an in-joke by now that is gaining traction.


Musk the Gap!



Adam Something has a whole series of videos on YouTube breaking down the ridiculous public transit concepts pushed by Musk and other techbros. Most of them end with Adam offering suggestions for a series of tweaks to make the proposals more reliable and efficient—which invariably transforms them into trains. It’s almost like watching how evolution keeps re-inventing crabs.


I know, right? Like, totally weird. It’s almost as if there are some objective parameters set by laws of nature that even the wishy thinking of a genius billionaire can’t bend to his will - but how can this possibly be?


… BTW high speed underground trains were a thing Elon Musk saw on television as a child

Vivek Ramaswamy Sued By Former Employees Claiming His Company Pressured Them Into Violating Securities Laws


“Hey everyone, we’re your real enemy” is accurate but sure a weird flex for them. I mean, you don’t usually ask for the guillotines.


Any LLM is more self-aware than this.


Money cures that ailment.

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Which calendar?