Fuck Today (Part 1)

I had that too–and yeah, the anesthetic was something else! A prickling sensation went up the back of my neck and it was lights out.


I’m at work, doing some updates on mission-critical systems, and stuff like this comes always in a package: Working on weekends automagically demands my presence on the next workday. This is only inconvenient, not bad and simply part of the job of a sysadmin.

The “fuck” is a minuscule detail I forgot. The next workday is monday, with one exception: a super-special public holiday only in this town.

Without the updates I could have stayed at home as I have no customer contact. With the updates I’m obliged to sit at the desk.


Those Scrabble tournaments are off the hook!


Thanks, launching a start-up, ‘Seataholdillio’ that hires a seat sitter for you with the tap of the app as soon as I finish this post. I’ll shoot you a fruit basket when we go public


This isn’t a super big Fuck Today, especially in the context of this thread (can I get another Fuck Cancer?).

The last two months I’ve met a couple (well, three) interesting women that were interested in me, and I get to tell the last of them today to pound sand. I don’t have many deal breakers, but they managed to all hit the same one (fidelity, as in they weren’t interested ever at all).

I know this sounds defeatist, and I know exactly what peeps will say. But I honestly feel like lightning struck, in a largely good way, with my last long term partner. And even though I force myself to go out, meet people, engage in online dating, meet friends of friends… At my age I just can’t visualize lightning striking a second time.


Really? You’re the same age as me…chin up, chap.

If you’re meeting interesting women who are interested as you as quickly as you seem to be doing, just keep doing what you are doing, and have fun.


It turns out that people of our age generally have pretty high standards (or depressingly low ones), and I am a bit challenged in some departments. Not completely lacking, but challenged.

I am not being facetious, I need a Yenta :yum:.


FWIW my mom’s second and third husbands were 56 and 52 respectively when she married them.
My good friend married at age 38 to a man aged 46 first marriage for both.
My brother married two weeks before he turned 38.

Love Will Find a Way!


does @japhroaig believes in soul mates? I hope not


Last one for today–love did find a way :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:. I wouldn’t trade those good times for anything. Considering how amazing kind, patient, contented love is–and how rare–i will probably need to be patient and content myself (see what I did there? :sunglasses:) and count my blessings.

(But going to Sunday brunch alone is bullshit. Does anyone wanna go grab brunch with me in like twenty minutes!?)


Damnit @JemmieDuffs, I just took my Concord in for repairs otherwise I’d be right there :smiley:


Waiting for my brunch companion to show so we can go to Cora. I’m guessing there aren’t three letters in your post code though, else I’d offer a seat.

(Correction: if your zip code starts with 982 you could still have a shot)


The preparation you have to ingest to prepare is MUCH better than it used to be, so there’s the “glass half full” for you!


Happy Pulaski Day to you!


I could eat, but BART today is out of the question.


It’s a really good idea! You can market yourself as the Uber of seat sitters. Easy money for people and there’s a huge need.


Wouldn’t Bool be a better name for you?


I hope you can enjoy all the photos. I have a grand total of five of Toby. I wish I took more.


The third step is: “take time to masturbate”. There are better alternatives, but stepping away from the goddamn problem that makes you want to murder the goddamn problem and everything else and dealing with physical realities in an ultimately relaxing and productive way is well worth the time.


Wish me luck… we’re off to family court and mediation today to try and resolve the issues for the two kids we’re guardianing for.

It’s going to be a shitstorm… there are five lawyers and two judges involved. (Each of the kids and the mom have a court appointed lawyer, paid for by us taxpayers. We [the RatsClan] has our own lawyer. CPS has a lawyer. The mediator is a retired judge. And there’s family court judge who has to bless whatever plan we all come up with. We all want different things, and nobody agrees exactly what they are.)

Update later.

Oh, and RatWoman has been having what I hope are Braxton Hicks contractions all night from the stress.


I hope that humanity, love and kindness win the day in court, and that the contractions are just Braxton Hicks.