Fuck Today (Part 1)

And then you get to deal with the other “issues” of dogs and vegetable oil…




Yeah, I don’t know how much she actually ingested. When I took her out she unloaded a huge poop that may or may not have been a little extra slippery; trying not to think too much about that! :dizzy_face:


ugh. Yesterday I had to deal with a stolen credit card. Looks like the credit card company sent me a new card to replace an expiring one and someone swiped it out of the mailbox (could have been something else, but we’ve had people going through cars in our neighborhood and the occasional stolen package, so…).

Kinda thought you had to activate it from your home phone or something, but it appears the rules regarding this are a little lax.

Mostly small stuff - McDonald’s, gas stations - but still a pain in the a$$ do deal with and be without a card for a day+

Gotta say the CC company wasn’t too bad… they worked with me to flag the charges I didn’t make and is overnighting a new card to me. But I think the feeling of violation is worse than the one hour or so I had to put in with the CC company.

Now I need to give it a few days and decide if I really want an outdoor security cam or if the feeling of need will subside (related - anyone got ideas/opinions on outdoor security cams? Nest? Something else?)


FWIW, many dogs are soothed by being in a kennel when no one is home. It’s often scarier to be alone in an entire house/apartment: too big and thus hard to monitor/patrol/protect. Being in a kennel means the dog knows they are “off the clock” from their protective services. It’s instinctive.

You are not torturing your dog if the alternative is, as you’ve seen, that she’s even more terrified when not kenneled.

Also, my daughter found a channel (iTunes, I think) specifically for calming dogs. Don’t ask me to explain it, but our dog seems to like it.


Yeah, she’s definitely going in the crate until we can do some work with her. I don’t know if she’s scared or just super bored, but obviously nothing is safe from her (bottles of cooking oil, really?). She was super excited to get out of the box when I got home on Monday, but she was fine.

And this morning I realized what the difference probably is. Until just after Thanksgiving, we had the cat, so she wasn’t completely alone. She didn’t start messing with stuff until after the kitty died. Dang. We will definitely have another cat eventually, but not ready to get another one yet :crying_cat_face:


That makes perfect sense. I was thinking it was just the fact that now there are no humans there for 3 days a week, but if there was another animal before, that really increases the loneliness factor. I think it might even be a form of grief: where did they go? Why aren’t they coming back?


“Will these bottles be my friends? … YES!!!”


Insomnia sucks.


So, as mentioned a few posts above, I have pneumonia.
Mrs Nothingfuture is recovering from a combination of strep and a virus.
And child #3 just decided to catch a stomach bug and is barfing all over the floor.
Child #2 won’t let me out of her room until she’s asleep (psych! She won’t go to sleep!).
I can barely move without seeing stars and I’m staring down the barrel of a night full of vomit and devoid of sleep.
I’m going to cry a little bit now.


I can see that too. My ferret missed my dog when he passed. She seemed off for a few weeks, and she played with me a ton more afterwards.


If I had a mop, a plane ticket, and the night off I would volunteer for vomit patrol tonight. Instead all I can offer is a internet shoulder to cry on. May the throw up be limited and the sleep plentiful.


I had pneumonia a couple of years ago. It knocked me on my ass for weeks with a 105F fever for part of it.

These were my lungs (you don’t need to be a pathologist to know something ain’t right there):

To this day I still have occasional bad breathing days.

I wish you a speedy and full recovery.


It’s already started.

Also, they banned bananas.



Fuck today the most.


Well Monday was ‘James earl ray’ day with mom… And now she’s all about ‘the Donald’.

FML this is not how the woman that birthed and raised me behaved when I was growing up.

‘Sometimes people change.’

I just hate how congratulatory this all seems.


I fear today will be the high point for the next 4 years.


Listening to it now.

Trump is president elect… about to be president in less than 30 minutes.


I can’t like that post. I’m sorry- I just can’t.


I was thinking about ignoring it, but I’m putting it on now. Fuck. I guess if Jimmy Carter can watch President-Baron Harkonnen taking power so can I.