Fuck Today (Part 1)

The source of the name is in the link – I think I’ve heard the poem before, but I’d forgotten it:

7 Cups of Tea, by Lu Tong (795 - 835 CE)
The first cup kisses away my thirst,
and my loneliness is quelled by the second.
The third gives insight worthy of ancient scrolls,
and the fourth exiles my troubles.
My body becomes lighter with the fifth,
and the sixth sends word from immortals.
But the seventh—oh the seventh cup—
if I drink you, a wind will hurry my wings
toward the sacred island.
Translated by Christopher Nelson


Trump is president.


It was the battery, AAA got it started - courtesy footwell-lights stayed on due to a bad switch in a passenger door. Known issue with the door, the lights staying on is new, though. I slammed it about 10 times and they finally went out.


Still sucks, but it’s a hell of a lot cheaper to replace a battery than a starter (did you end up doing that or just recharged it and fixed the switch?). The same happened with my mom’s new car not too long ago, although in that case, it was just a bad battery rather than a bad switch in the system.


Just a jump, and slammed the door a lot. I’m looking into getting the switch fixed, or removing the lights. They’ve tried to fix it before.


Ugh… good luck on getting it fixed. I wonder why they weren’t able to do so before now?


Passed a bridge jumper today a few minures before he went. He was standing on the wall screaming at the cops. Thankfully I didn’t see him go. Doesn’t effect me, but I’m going to go ahead and leave a “fuck today” right here for him and his family.

That’s the third one (out of five? Jesus.) in three months I’ve passed the immediate afterwards/actual jumper. The heart-wrenching one was getting stopped right next to the scene shortly after the husband had gottten there.

So much pain out there.


Just learned that if you lose money on the sale of your house, you can’t deduct it on your taxes.

UNLESS, of course, you can afford multiple houses to rent out or speculate on, in which case go ahead and claim the loss.

We literally lost more money on the house than I made this year.

I am not even kidding when I say I could murder someone right now.


My friend’s mom died. Some lung problem. His father – her husband – died in May very quickly of cancer discovered in stage 4. They were both 68 – had been married 46 years. I hurt for him.


I went through this and I seem to remember there is some kind of tax waiver thing you can get the mortgage company to give you when you do the short sale. It was a while back. Anyone else know anything about this?


Yet another lone wolf, I bet.


I didn’t post this then, but a friend of mine died in the week between Christmas and New Year. It was totally unexpected. She was only 35. Her husband is devastated and her daughter isn’t quite 2 yet. We still don’t know what happened.

I hadn’t known her for all that long considering. We met when our babies were in the NICU together. But it hit me hard and it makes me angry. There is no fairness in life or in death.

I miss her.


Dental abscess. Plus I’m covering a colleague’s classes while he’s away on an emergency. Lecturing on pain+codeine-induced fuzz is so much fun.


It wasn’t a short sale- We sold it for what we still owed- $25k less than we paid. That meant the $15k realtor’s commission came out of pocket.


I can’t keep up with the complete insanity happening in America anymore. Every day is too many new, appalling things. I’m in a constant state of low-level panic.

I thought it might take a few months to slide into fascism, not A WEEK.


Try to think of it this way. They’re acting this quickly because they know they don’t have much time before a stop is put to them.


Undergrad or grad? If it’s undergrad, it’s easier because they don’t want to be there and don’t care what you have to say, so that’s good, I guess?

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Learning now that an executive order can temporarily stop me from re-entering my home (I am a permanent resident) has left me disappointed I don’t have enough middle fingers to display at the 45% of eligible voters who didn’t cast ballots in November; I understand some were oppressed by GOP-controlled county election laws, but many of them couldn’t find a pure enough candidate for them. Learning 70% of US voters are fine with blocking legal immigrants from coming in is reason enough for me to clean my house and go.

Thanks for showing your true colors, America.


Keep this up and the Democrats will lose in 2020 too.

What about Hillary trying to keep her purity? Yes, she offered some watered down socialism but she kept the full strength neo-liberalism all the way through her campaign. Her election promises looked like something a one nation Tory would use in a British election.

And I say this as someone who really wanted the Democrats to win in November, but didn’t have a vote.


That’s part of the Stockholm Syndrome.

You and I have been taken hostage, we are being isolated from the truth and alienated from rest of the world.