Fuck Today (Part 1)

I wish I was reading about this in a novel, and not reading about you in real life :frowning:

Sending you good wishes from across the pond.


Visibility is all, I’m told. And as far as I can tell there’s no real quality threshold.

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A narrowly avoided fuck today that turned out delightful:

Humbabella’s youngest kid: Pale-skinned people have strong, STRONG

Humbabella’s thoughts: What the hell is this?

Humbabella’s youngest kid: sunscreen.


I hate phone interviews. The only way that could have gone any worse is if I had announced a plan to murder and eat my neighbors.

To be clear, I have no such plan, though the little one does look mighty tender…


This ain’t a fuck today, but a general fuck the system.

I went to get treatment for some joint pain, got a first diagnosis of epicondylitis, had a heck of more problems and got a second diagnosis of acute borreliosis. That’s how I got an at least not completely implausible explanation for a shitload of symptoms, up to a lack in mental capacity I noticed and which made me worried. Even if unrelated, I am definitely affected by neurological symptoms. Meh.

And now I learned that once upon a time, there was a fuckin’ vaccine which was taken off the market due to fuckin’ profitability reasons?

Fuck me.

Also, I don’t know how I got it. And when. And where.
I got bitten by ticks on three different continents, in the past. But recently? No. I am paranoid for the fuckers. I hate them from the bottom of my rotten soul, and fear them. I am confident I didn’t catch this recently. And learned this could date back up to ten years.

Fuck me crosswise.

Also, the antibiotics don’t make me feel any better…
I can type, but it ain’t fun.
So, fuck me even thrice.


So I left my laptop powered down for more than overnight this weekend.
It now will not power back on. Not even a POST screen.

Stuck on my phone or tablet for a few days while waiting to find out if it is fixable.


CMOS battery?

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I have had it long enough but that should not stop it from doing a POST.


Have you checked against the charger?

My charger for my tablet fried a bit internally last week, and I thought I had a blackout problem when it really just wasn’t charging. Working with a weaker one now, but at least it curbs internet addiction. :shrug:

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Charger? It’s a laptop so it will (well should) work with the battery removed and just power brick connected.

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Ah, true. Sorry, it’s been a few years since I had an operable laptop. :grimacing:


Yesterday I came into work. I had another developer tell me something was wrong with an email campaign and asked me to look into it. I looked at it and said, “The issue is your inbox. you got the emails, they are somewhere in there. Contact IT, it’s a you issue, the campaign is fine”

I spent 5 hours then “researching the campaign” at the behest of her veep because she was adamant it was the campaign that was the issue.

After 5 hours, 4 tickets, and 3 people having eyes on it…her response was, “they are in my deleted folder”.

FUCK YESTERDAY. today better be better.


And using the library for a bit today… my kingdom for a keyboard and mouse.


I have thinkpads that won’t get past the beep codes to the POST with the cmos battery dead. The next thing I would check is continuity from the adapter socket to the charging circuits. After that, the surface-mount fuses on the MB, but at that point repair gets painful.


Have been wondering how @Nelsie is doing. Did you land somewhere? Are you doing okay?


It is a beast with a 17 inch screen. While I can open it up and check things it is a major PITA and right now I am not in a place where it would be easy so I am letting the pros deal with it.


I’ve been racing against the clock, trying to revise a couple paintings I could post to the 2D art thread and hopefully sell outright on any platform. I should have the first up tomorrow.

Anyway, my cats’ litter is all used up, I scooped the box one final time…and of course, Tasha gets in and compromises half of what’s left with a huge gift. Then, Ruby won’t stop scratching at the box, so I shoo her away. What does she do? She gets on my bedsheets and pees on all of them, looking me in the eye.
Too late to go to the laundromat, too.


Now that I’m on steady medication, work is progressing well, but life is moving just as quickly as I can manage to keep up. Right now, things are still serious.

Future work or a small loan would help immensely for food, hygiene, and art supplies.
My largest pieces (24" X 15") go for $500, and the smallest (8" X 8") go for $89, prices in-between scaled on a straight line.
I have a handful of pieces currently in progress, but I see myself clearing the backlog within the nearer side of August.


Was biking on the trails when a storm came in. Tree almost fell on me, ended up flipping over the handlebars and bouncing off the pavement. This was almost 3 weeks ago.

Hand will not stop hurting. Had X-Rays which showed nothing. CT scan today, turns out busted Trapezium.

What the heck is a Trapezium?

