Fuck Today (Part 1)

Ah, true. Sorry, it’s been a few years since I had an operable laptop. :grimacing:


Yesterday I came into work. I had another developer tell me something was wrong with an email campaign and asked me to look into it. I looked at it and said, “The issue is your inbox. you got the emails, they are somewhere in there. Contact IT, it’s a you issue, the campaign is fine”

I spent 5 hours then “researching the campaign” at the behest of her veep because she was adamant it was the campaign that was the issue.

After 5 hours, 4 tickets, and 3 people having eyes on it…her response was, “they are in my deleted folder”.

FUCK YESTERDAY. today better be better.


And using the library for a bit today… my kingdom for a keyboard and mouse.


I have thinkpads that won’t get past the beep codes to the POST with the cmos battery dead. The next thing I would check is continuity from the adapter socket to the charging circuits. After that, the surface-mount fuses on the MB, but at that point repair gets painful.


Have been wondering how @Nelsie is doing. Did you land somewhere? Are you doing okay?


It is a beast with a 17 inch screen. While I can open it up and check things it is a major PITA and right now I am not in a place where it would be easy so I am letting the pros deal with it.


I’ve been racing against the clock, trying to revise a couple paintings I could post to the 2D art thread and hopefully sell outright on any platform. I should have the first up tomorrow.

Anyway, my cats’ litter is all used up, I scooped the box one final time…and of course, Tasha gets in and compromises half of what’s left with a huge gift. Then, Ruby won’t stop scratching at the box, so I shoo her away. What does she do? She gets on my bedsheets and pees on all of them, looking me in the eye.
Too late to go to the laundromat, too.


Now that I’m on steady medication, work is progressing well, but life is moving just as quickly as I can manage to keep up. Right now, things are still serious.

Future work or a small loan would help immensely for food, hygiene, and art supplies.
My largest pieces (24" X 15") go for $500, and the smallest (8" X 8") go for $89, prices in-between scaled on a straight line.
I have a handful of pieces currently in progress, but I see myself clearing the backlog within the nearer side of August.


Was biking on the trails when a storm came in. Tree almost fell on me, ended up flipping over the handlebars and bouncing off the pavement. This was almost 3 weeks ago.

Hand will not stop hurting. Had X-Rays which showed nothing. CT scan today, turns out busted Trapezium.

What the heck is a Trapezium?




I wonder if that will cause carpal tunnel syndrome later on? That sucks, tho. Sorry…


Ow. That makes my own bike mishap a few weeks ago pale in comparison. I was out a bit after sunset and didn’t notice a pothole, and hit it awkwardly enough to almost go down. In recovering from that, I jammed my right arm and shoulder enough for it to hurt when swinging it back while walking. After a week it finally subsided, but there’s still a wee bit of tendinitis right where my bicep hooks to my elbow.


I cracked a rib or two back in 2012. They started hurting again this week. I guess they didn’t heal properly.


That’s happened to me. It was a couple months of long painful recovery.

Then I yawned or stretched or something, and it was another couple months of long painful recovery.


started the day dumping my cup of coffee all over myself and grilling station at work. So not only did I look and feel like a fool; but then had to stand there like an idiot while the kitchen staff got yellow floor signs and a mop to clean it up.

So I started my day as a clumsy oaf AND that asshole.


This is how serious the situation is today (fridge and drinking water). No cat litter image, cuz cat litter. :man_shrugging:

At least it was a good time to defrost…




I escaped the eviction with what I could carry, then squatted in the Council offices until they found me some temporary accommodation. Which they did, in the next town over, a bed & breakfast/boarding house/hotel for indigents such as myself.

The temporary is in the process of being made permanent, which will move me from the lists of formally ‘homeless’ to… whatever the next step up is.

It’s not too bad here; though the place has a bit of a reputation, the present landlady is strict with alcoholics, arsonists and other such folk that get placed here, and they don’t stay for long if they don’t sort themselves out. (She doesn’t seem to mind me.)

The downside is that the guests are all male, and it seems like half of them are utterly incompetent at any form of housekeeping. And somebody keeps nicking food from the fridge.

It was a great relief to have the threat of eviction fulfilled, and to get away from my ex-landlord, really, and I feel surprisingly okay. The worst has happened, but I feel kind of free, now. Or it could be the antidepressants.

My clapped-out old iBook doesn’t like the wifi here, so my web-presence has been a bit spotty and might be for a while yet. But I’m still around.

Thank you for asking, and thank you for caring enough to ask.


Good to hear you have shelter.

I was in a similar position a few years back, and endured similar circumstances in a Salvation Army shelter for a while until moving into an apartment of my own.
Still, it didn’t last long and now I’m out in Tijuana for economic reasons.

If the US health system would have just let me have my Prednisone on the regular 10 years ago until I could afford surgery, many of my current problems could have been avoided.


Oh I’m glad to hear that you have a roof over your head. I have been thinking of you all along, though at the same time I didn’t want to pry… I think many people here do care, and will be glad to hear that you’re surviving.

It’s been many years since I moved to a different town, but I remember how much energy it took just to learn how to get around town, where to go to get groceries, etc.

It’s interesting to me that you say that you feel okay and even kind of free, now. Sometimes I think about: what if I came home to find that the house had burned down while I was gone—what would I do, how would I react? I think part of me would feel relief to be free of much of my stuff/belongings, but I know part of me would be very stressed by the whole thing. Worst I think would be losing important paperwork—but I assume (hope) you were able to take your most important paperwork and such with you.

Thanks for replying. I’m glad you are surviving, and still around the bbs too.


Woo just a replacement of the power switch and my lappy got a good cleaning out.


Good to hear it wasn’t more serious!