Fuck Today (Part 1)

well $99 for parts and labor is way cheaper than a new machine.


As fuck today goes, small potatoes, but headed home from a great vaca with the kids and headed back to real life. Sigh. Daughter graduates from college next year, youngest just graduated from high school, MIL is 85. Hitting home that we wonā€™t be together like this very often in future. In the oven that is the East coast now, the beach is the only place to be!


If the last 21 d of Ciprofloxacin didnā€™t kill all the stuff which is bugging me in my body, Iā€™m pretty screwed. If I will test positive for Borelliosis in four to six weeks time, I am either screwed because the Borellia survived, or I got endemic Treponema. Which would be a massive gamechanger, so fuck my mood for the next 7 weeks at least.


I took a picture of this magazine rack, yesterday (August 4, 2019) at the HEB grocery store in southwest Austin.

Let the record show that the shooter from Dallas, who drove to El Paso to kill people, is part of a larger cultureā€“a gun culture that has taken a hard-right swerve decades agoā€“that surrounds every Texan living, working, going to school, going to church, singing, dancing, playing and dying in The Lone Star state.

ETA: grammar
ETA2: link re-tagged


An embuggerance rather than a catastrophe. I diligently spent Saturday moving crap and my workbench in the garage to make space for a car (novel, I know). Solid rains on Sunday, an overflowing gutter and the ceiling came close to collapsing. Now being held up by props, and the plumber says ā€œbest not to go in there at all if you can help it.ā€


Liked for ā€œEmbuggeranceā€


On a sliding scale, itā€™s about 60% of the way along between ā€œtickety-booā€ and ā€œclusterfuckā€.


Fuck last Thursday. Had a job interview, knew all other people which where interviewed. Not only I didnā€™t get the job - a permanent position, no less - but I am under the impression the decision was purely strategic.

Fuck my skills, all my efforts and my knowledge. I spend years and years to cultivate those, and all is for naught because nobody ever fucking cares.

ETA: gonna make an appointment for blood tests next week, if possible. Whatever comes out of this, I donā€™t really care ATM. Sick leave for the rest of my life would at least clear me of this frustrating job insecurity. Iā€™m too old for that shit, but not adult enough it seems to play the game accordingly.


Aw manā€¦ that sucks. I feel you about the job market too. Iā€™m really sorry.


I whish you the best, and hope youā€™ll land a great position. Youā€™re probably in a worse situation, even. Doesnā€™t give me solace, but shifts perspective.

Iā€™m trying to pull myself together.


Oh, I wasnā€™t saying I have worseā€¦ it sucks for a lot of people right now. I think if we both keep at it, weā€™ll land okay. I feel your frustration, though, and absolutely share it.


I know you didnā€™t say anything in the direction that your situation is worse than mine. I was just interpolating from what you posted here and there on the BBS about yourself.

First of all, Iā€™m not in the US. Second, Iā€™m also not in humanities. On both accounts, I feel for you, based on my experience and my well-established predjudice. :wink:

ETA: I sincerely hope this doesnā€™t worsen your mood or feels like snark. I know that this probably is lost in translation, and written ā€˜communicationā€™* even makes it worse, but I feel that your life is harder than mine.

I, for one, have white central European privileges others are dying for. In the literal sense of the word. Also, Iā€™m biologically male, and do identify as such. My daily life may seem straining and sometimes psychologically unbearable, but holy hell, am I a whiny self-pitying asshole if I stop rolling that rock. I read my Camus, about half a lifetime ago or more.

'* I loathe Watzlawikā€™s axiomes.


After months of busting my ass on this project with poorly written software, low training, next to no documentation, and several mid-course corrections, we had it basically done and I spent a couple weeks making a 54 page document on how to use the software and update the project. I was the last one working on the final wave in the end and probably have more hours logged on the software than anyone else, or possibly second next to this one lady.

And then the client comes back with an issue. I fix it the way I know how - it works on my end, the client says it isnā€™t right on theirs.

So they got the guy who wrote the software into it and he is claiming we have been exporting the background PDFs wrong, leaving two default boxes checked. Basically it is our (or my) fault.

Listen, buddy,

  1. Your software is garbage. The only one who would use it this long is someone like me who is tenacious and willing to live in the hellscape you created out of some perverse pride. Ask anyone who has worked on it their opinion of it. Ask the people who took training in it and then bowed out.

  2. You NEVER said to uncheck those boxes. I have or original ā€œdocumentationā€. It never mentions it.

  3. I call bullshit on that causing the problem. Why would preserving Illustrator editing capabilities or embed page thumbnails create an extra thru-cut layer?

  4. Even if it made a replica layer for some reason, why would one be irregular and one be rectangular? I could see a bug replicating an element, but CREATING a new element a different shape using a specific spot color??

  5. Fuck your whole ā€œI have a program which gives me the ability to look at the internals of the PDF.ā€ I said show me where my file has two thru-cuts. You have a program? We all have programs. I got Pitstop on my Acrobat and I can take it apart piece by piece if I wanted.

  6. ā€œI removed the sales people as they donā€™t need to see all the technical discussion.ā€ You mean so they donā€™t see people question your authority? Yeah, yeah, good idea.

  7. ā€œi can write a programā€¦ā€ thats what got us in trouble in the first place.


A former co-worker had a ā€œmildā€ stroke the other day. She is younger than me and while she has a variety of talents, she has amazing skills as a hand letterer and pin striper. Like the old school skills to draw perfect lines seemingly effortlessly. She posted an image earlier today of her hand writing and it literally looks like it was from a 6 year old.

I realize strokes are weird and this is still early, it was mild, they got her help early and she is younger - but yeesh, man. I hope that she makes a full recovery. I feel terrible for her and her kid. (Extra drama of a recent custody battle with a real asshole of an ex and his rich family.)


You know what I love? I love it when a pharmacy benefit manager (fuck you Express Scripts) decides that it knows better than my doctor which medicine I should take. Why do I even know go to the doctor? I should just go straight to Express Scripts and humbly request they supply me with the pharmacologic regime they think I deserve. And later, when I run out of sugar pills, I will go back to them and ask, in my most pathetic voice,ā€ Please sirs, may I have some more?ā€


Come on. Waiting for the lab results to confirm that my antibiosis two months ago killed off all Borellia in my aching tissue (itā€™s a joint issue, come to think of it), my medical professional asks me if I ever got tested for HIV, since he worries that he sees me to much ā€œfor someone my agedā€. Promptly, I develop a localised rash at different places, without any apparent reason, which does not go away for two weeks and counting.

I donā€™t have any other symptoms, fuck this neurodermatitis shit.


ā€œFunā€ follow up - posted a ~$94,000 bill for an over night stay in the hospital, discounted down to the bargain price of just under $34,000. Holy shit. How fucking broken is our healthcare system? She was doing freelance at the time, so, no insurance.


Dude, you are singing my song. Universal healthcare is the only answer. Nothing else works. Current system is dead busted.


Shit, got my continuing rashes diagnosed as a fungal infection.

But this didnā€™t trigger a fuck today, even.
The Turkish invasion in Syria also was predictable. Terrible, but predictable.

This wasnā€™t:


My friend/landlord got the crap beat out of him the other day on his own property the other day by a small gang who took advantage of neighbors not being home. Bats and sticks, and who knows what else. They took his cellphone and close to $1000 he uses to buy stock for his small resale business (cigarettes, toilet paper, etc.).
Luckily, no broken bones. His eyes will be fine, etc.

Iā€™m going to set up a platform to try and raise money to help. Does anyone have a good feel of which GoFundMe-style platform is most trusted at the present time?

Side note: Geez, Marcelino doesnā€™t really need a Halloween costume idea this yearā€¦ :frowning_face: