Fuck Today (Part 1)


Parents of 545 kids cannot be found and 360 children cannot be located.
Fuck you trump and fuck you too DHS. Everyone who participated in this is a monster and everyone with the political power to stop it who didnā€™t are also monsters.
I really hope the lost children are safe with people who love them.

We need to win the senate, keep the house, and win the presidency. Then all of us need to harangue our reps to create a law that makes family separation at the border illegal, as well as migrant facilities.
Iā€™ve put an appointment in my calendar. In January Iā€™ll start writing letters and emails and then again every damned month after.


That might be the most horrifying part of a totally horrifying story. The government rips your children away from you, then loses them. And as a non-citizen, you have virtually no way to pressure them to find them. Nor, honestly, do they have any interest in doing so. Because they are evil assholes. All the way down.


This is part of why a majority of my charitable giving goes to the ACLU. They stepped up and helped the helpless. Sued over the separations, got the reunifications ordered by courts, and got the courts to appoint NGOs to send actual people to the countries or origin to search for parents and missing children.
ETA: I donā€™t know if the ACLU managed to get court orders forcing the feds to pay for the location help.


Given that the DeVos family is part of the adoption industry those kids may well have been sold.


The amount of public, blatant, monetized cruelty perpetrated by Cult45 is staggering to behold.

As a culture/nation/people, we will see the longlasting effects of this sadistic, psychopathic administration for years to come. And we will pay for it: a lot of karma dependencies fork from Cult45ā€™s timeline on the cosmic Gantt Chart.

We see you, supporters and complicit corporations.
We see you.
And we will remember.


I think we should keep the migrant facilities, but also seriously revamp them. So many migrants are fleeing violence that our new acts of deportation and making refugees wait on the Mexico side puts them in grave danger. They need our protection as they wait for processing.


Fuck privatisation.


Is there anything else that the world wants me to deal with? I already canā€™t cope with what has happened in the last 48 hours.


I wish we had alerts like this, though. It might make people think harder about their behavior. Most of the recent outbreaks in my area have been caused by indoor gatherings.

I just attended my second Zoom funeral this year. Both were sparsely attended in person and everyone was wearing masks. Still, there were 20-30 people indoors vs. 60-80 people online. Now Iā€™m worried about the folks who were in the church and not distancing as they shouldā€™ve been in the pews.


Holy shit!! This is fucking horrible!!


I just had a conversation with the guy delivering oil to my house. We observed that the world had become a strange place this year and he seemed normal enough until he volunteered that he had told his wife that ā€œif she ever saw a crowd of people crossing the road at her, black people, she should just kill them. Run them over.ā€

I was stunned. In the space of one sentence we went from the equivalent of ā€œinteresting weather weā€™re havingā€ to contemplating racially motivated murder.

I said that we must be getting our news from very different places, and he replied that I obviously never heard about the truckers that are being pulled from their cabs and beaten to death ā€œ ā€˜cuz the news wonā€™t tell you.ā€

This is in Massachusetts. Fucking hell.


I hope his wife never visits a downtown Boston crosswalk.


Iā€™m amazed she has driving privileges at all. /s /sort of

Itā€™s probably a manifestation of my privilege that I expect people to not be racist homicidal nutjobs. No doubt Mrs. F will have a different perspective on the interaction, but for now Iā€™m finding it profoundly upsetting.

And I really didnā€™t do enough to counter him. That shit needs to be pulled out at the roots and all I could say was ā€œwe must be getting our news from very different places.ā€ Weak fucking sauce.


Confronting some guy whoā€™s angry or who might pump a thousand gallons of oil into your basement may not be the best move for safety.

But you can always change suppliers going forward.


And call the company and tell them about the conversation, so when this guy or his wife run over some people they canā€™t act all surprised.


Oh, like this guy?


Iā€™d argue that hauling a dude out of his truck who just tried to commit mass murder is pretty fucking justifiable. This isnā€™t like what happened to the guy in the LA riots, Reginald Denny.