Fuck Today (Part 1)


What is going on with that? How are we failing these people? (Aside from the obvious issue of not bringing in the National Guard to support them when an actual insurrection was taking place).


IANAT(herapist), but I would imagine the national discourse, on one side of the spectrum, doesn’t help. If you’ve spent your life believing that Republicans are the law-and-order-back-the-blue party, then have this massive trauma, then find out their support was all bullshit, then see their public trashing of you, the trauma compounds the trauma. Just a WAG, though.




I guess what I am most concerned about is whether it is the result of cyberbullying etc. from other police or the public.


Further in-law drama and insight. We’ve been imploring them to get the vaccine, and have been contacted by some of their friends and family members who have also been pressuring them. They are liars about it [“Oh, we’re working on it,” “I’m trying to decide which one to get, J&J or Moderna,” and “it’s very hard to make an appointment” (they live in the mountains, 30-45 minutes from the nearest anything, but all their “neighbors” have managed to get it).] I mean, even their right-wing, conspiratorial relatives have given in at this point. Not them. Nope. But, this is a family that never went to the doctor ever, for anything. I’m not even sure the M-I-L goes in for “women’s exams.” F-I-L definitely doesn’t go in for anything.

Last night it devolved into a fight, with my wife in tears and telling them “Look, you’ve made your choice. If you get sick, it’s on you, we’re not coming to take care of you. Also, we’re having the various grandchildren at our house for Xmas, and unless you show us vaccine cards, you aren’t welcome” and them replying “We won’t be bullied about this.” Well, yeah. “Nope, you won’t be bullied. You’ll also spend the coming holidays alone.”

Fsckers. Fuck them, fuck today.

But it did get me wondering how many of the holdouts see the various campaigns, the public statements, etc. as some kind of “bullying” (in their minds) and are reacting in a “you can’t tell me what to do!!” way.


And again:


I wonder what the insurrectionists and their ilk tell themselves about these deaths.


This is exactly how the situation has been presented and played by the faux news spectrum. Listening to experts who are actually experts is following someone else’s agenda and being told that you need to take certain steps to stay safe is being bullied. The narrative of “we are the truly oppressed” has been gaining volume for years now.


It is hard not to imagine a conspiracy here when poor mental health care and lack of support systems after a major trauma is probably enough of an explanation. But wtf that’s sad.


No way to know if this is the case, but if, like a significant number of LEOs, these guys were right-wing law-and-order types, being abandoned and savaged by the folks they support could be exceedingly hard to bear. Just a thought.


Really asshole? You thought this was a good idea?


Yeah, but it’s also the casual ignorance and outrigth cowardice. I was sitting at our small-town City Council meeting last night. After the meeting the Mayor started talking about “the Covid situation.” He caught it, and another Council member caught it–both after having been vaccinated. It was “thank god for the vaccine.” But not “everyone needs to get a shot.” Also talk about hospitals getting to capacity, and how “the infusion” (which he claims saved his life) wasn’t available everywhere, and is in limited numbers. And then he talked about how we “certainly aren’t going to tell businesses how to run” or have mask mandates, but everyone should mask up “before this thing really gets out of hand.”

“Before this thing really gets out of hand?” WTF is wrong with you, you pig-ignorant, dumb-as-a-jar-of-gefilte-fish slobbering moron? Our numbers are as bad as last summer during the height of it all. It is out of hand. Right now. smh


Shit, that sucks. It sounds like dealing with a couple of my narcissistic family members. Clearly telling someone your boundaries and the consequences for not respecting those != bullying. They have all the necessary information and can make their decisions.




I wonder if they get their forfeited guns back, too? They might hurt themselves.
The previously dismissed felony charges and pardon won’t hurt McCloskey’s campaign for US Senate to replace retiring Roy Blunt.
That’s right–US Senate. Imagine. that… Actually–don’t. Ugh.
However, you can never count out any Republican running statewide in Missouri, especially one who just showed both BLM-loving protestors and gun grabbing liberals who’s boss (not them).

Meanwhile, Kevin Strickland waits for Gov Parson to have time for a signature giving him his life back.
Justice in Missouri is both politically and racially biased. Who knew?


I struggle with this… I think that since the 70s, we’ve moved far away from the idea that the government played a necessary role in helping people achieve a good quality of life. As such, corporations have been allowed to run amok and fuck up a lot of aspects of our collective well-being. Even the current corporate democrats are more willing to argue that government has an important roll to play, so I think that’s a positive step. But they are still to reliant on private-public partnerships to get shit done. I’d prefer much more coming from entirely public initiatives that are far more accountable to us and greater control over corporations. I don’t know if we’ll get that from the centrists.

TLDR: I think we are getting closer to having a democratic party that is more willing to spend money on the public good, but probably not close enough…


I doubt we will. To me, these days, the very concept of a Democratic centrist means someone who pays lip service to the idea of a central government that helps The People, while getting rich off of various corporate teats.


The establishment democrats are more about who kisses whose ass or whatever than any policy positions. The establishment positions are almost always squishy and subject to “pivot”. It’s this lack of firm positions and focus on personalities that I think puts them dangerously close to the republicans IMO.