Fuck Today (Part 1)

I needed some statements from family members as references for my ASD diagnosis (which I was given yesterday). This meant some fairly painful discussions with my parents about times in my life that I’d rather forget. TL;DR: autism is not the same as rebellion, and you can’t beat it out of children (ADHD is not the same as laziness either, and shaming kids for having it doesn’t help).

I’m working on a project for a new company at the moment too, and I can’t concentrate at all. This is some of the best paid work I’ve had yet, and I may lose it before I get the chance to show them what I’m normally capable of. It’s going to be a long night…

ETA: I love my parents, but they are so evangelical… they knew that explaining things to me or giving me alone time to cool down was more effective, but that isn’t proper punishment, is it? Funnily enough, I was always worse after physical punishment and well-behaved normally, but they kept doing it…


You’re right: time to walk away!

Pro tip: adoption is a great time to get a two-fer, and change her surname too (if she still wants to).


This isn’t a cast iron thread… but I can’t help myself.

The flakes aren’t the seasoning. Those flakes are burnt oil and food. They are by no means non stick. (It’s the thin polymerized lining that is the seasoning :smiley:)

I don’t season pans. I blowtorch them, rub them down, and never put anything in them till they are hot.

Heat->oil->food->done. In that order.


Not fuck today; it wasn’t all bad.

Fuck this very moment.

And unfuck any contrary energy leeches trying to latch onto me; I don’t give a shit about your two cents, your pretentious egos or your fucking feelings.


I’m just going to tentatively like this, as it’s a few levels of abstraction out for me to really understand at the moment. Hope it gets sorted.


I generally don’t get too specific when I vent online; that way nothing I write can come back to bite me on the ass, once I’ve cooled off.

It just helps to be able to get it off my chest, and I figured a thread entitled Fuck Today was a good place to do some cathartic albeit ambiguous bitching.

Thanks, sincerely.



Eh, I’ll toss some stuff into this pool of frustration as well.

Fuck this year. A few years ago I traded my status as a big fish in a tiny pond in for a much bigger pond. (i.e. I got hired by a way bigger company as a SME)

This year, my boss decided I should be a Manager, and decided to start me on a project of not just herding the cats that are Devs, but the much bigger cats that are their bosses. Needless to say, it isn’t going great.

Awesome problem to have if you are ambitious and want to shoot to the top. I’m not anymore. Thought I was right about where I wanted to be. Alas.

Now I have all these fucking cats to wrangle. Finally going to move away from my family and friends to get it done. Just as I am uncle to 2, and godfather to 3. =(

ETA: #whitewhine


Not to dismiss your gripe, but I have to ask:

Cat wrangling?


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There’s an old adage in IT that, “Managing Developers is like Herding Cats”.

i.e. So smart and independent that unless you keep a very short leash, they will run off and do whatever the fuck they want.



Oh, okay.

Sometimes I really wonder if I’m a mismatch for this site, so many tech related things are over my head.

I was totally picturing some Jack Tripper-esque antics, a lasso, and a small herd of kittens.




That’s why you need to get them on board with the mission and give them some autonomy to self organize. If they are invested in the project, then the company should do well. You may have to have some uncomfortable conversations between the dev team and management, but I’m assuming this earns you the pay grade. If upper management thinks the developers need to be micro managed, you’re in for pain.


How about when there are numerous archaic systems crumbling before your very eyes, and you spent the last 2 years being told that any attempt at trying to build something better that could replace them is a waste of your time and possibly grounds for firing.

Then you’re suddenly told that you have to build these crumbling systems’ replacements, but all you’re given is some spackle and a mop?

They should have just let me fix the fucking stuff when I first came into the company. Before they beat me so often that I’m not even sure I can get permission from myself to start work on fixing this?



I actually knew a guy who worked for EDS who had a hand in the Cat Herders idea for the commercial. Cool guy. Totally unwilling to explain what he or his company did when I knew him as a kid. I think he wanted to try and help save me from my current career.


Wait… was this a superbowl commercial at some point?

(Damn my brain is a sieve, these days.)


Yes. It was.

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First world single parent problems; nothing that isn’t essential (or highly enjoyable) stays at the forefront in the cerebrum for very long after you have had a kid.


A lot of people here do crafts and art as well. There are also some awesome contributors that are more into history, language, etc. There are a lot of techies on the BBS, and it is sort of woven into the DNA of the site’s existence. I don’t think it’s really the be all / end all, but it’s always an undercurrent here.


[quote=“tropo, post:1146, topic:67518”]
There are a lot of techies on the BBS {…} it’s always an undercurrent here. [/quote]

Yeah, I had kinda noticed.
