Fuck Today (Part 1)

Fuck that I have to wait 20 minutes for the toothpaste taste to go away before hitting the bourbon, sorry about things @daneel hopefully 'murrica won’t follow suit.

and fuck that I am now out of likes.


Shots for those that need them.



I’m fucking the noise that fuck that noise is throwback.

I refuse to have ladies come in and create a new fuck that noise that ruins my childhood by not putting Annie Potts in a movie! Or something. I don’t really understand what the whole thing is about Ghostbusters.


Everybody! Enjoy this!


Thanks for clearing that up.


If I haven’t heard it since the 90’s, then it’s a “throwback” to me.


I’m already Irish, but I feel like being German too, just for spite. And French.


I’m down for that.




Fuck yesterday actual. I threw my goddamn back out doing dead lifts. I thought I was following the right form - but had an inkling that I shouldn’t be doing them since it had been awhile. Wasn’t even using that much weight. Totally my fault. Couldn’t sleep at all. Got up and it was hard to even take the dog out to shit. Better now but still very painful. Going to throw a wrinkle in my exercise plans. It was going so good too.


My family’s last bit o ‘oabammy the sekret mooslam’ is ‘he’s not gonna give up power next january. he’s gonna hold power because emergency’ THAT IS NOT HOW THE FUCKING OFFIcE WORKS YOU DUMB SHITS. JUST ADMIT YOU ARE RACIST FUCKTARDS.

I have my own problems with the guy, which amount to him not marching up to the republican party and go "look, stop being asshats with this partisan bullshit. We’re in the same boat and your’e throwing a hissy fit while pointing at me. SHut the fuck up and act like adults you useless bastards,’ his expansion of the security state, not repealing the patriot act, and others.

My family’s seems to be ‘HE PUT HIS HAND ON THE NON-HEART SIDE! HE IS MOOSLAM!!!111one!!!1111’


My parents voted out. All of their grandchildren are in continental Europe. Now we have to get a different passport for my son, and it probably can’t be German any time soon (on the other hand - unexpected Ireland trip!). Just saw my Dad posting on Facebook blaming the decline of Protestantism for the potential breakup of the UK. I may have made a comment that ended with “I’ve never been so disappointed in my elders as a collective group in my life. ESPECIALLY Protestants.” :kissing: :musical_note:

I’m not taking it back. Especially after one guy responded to me about how the elites of my generation were “besotted with sodomy” and complained that they wouldn’t listen to his street preaching in Cambridge and Oxford. You could not make it up.


Band or album name?


I know that exact feeling, it sucks majorly. “And I was doing so good.” Dammit.


My de facto trainer (family friend) said its just a sprained back and if I foam roll it and use this icy hot thing I should be back to normal in a few days. Walked the dog 4 miles last night and had a pain free night so I think I am on the right path. No running for a couple days – elliptical instead. I can’t lose my momentum!


Any word from the vet about your dog, @Missy_Pants? Hoping no news is good news…


No news and yes it is good news. They have no idea what it was and he’s on meds and a little extra sucky but getting better… i hope.

Stupid cute garbage eaters.


Does this go here?


Ok well.

The kids went to the zealot grandparents for two weeks, and we started out with grandma doing some serious indoctrinating the first two nights.

A stern chat with grandma and things seemed better if not great.

Then there was a trip to Antelope Island, after which the adults did not think to have everyone check for ticks.

Fast forward a day and a half, and the boy finds a dead tick on his leg. The next night he’s running from both ends.

Next morning, today, we pick him up sick from his sleepover, hang out with him, and finally hear about the “bug stuck to me” from him and piece the thing together. Off to the doctor.

Maybe this belongs in “Victory”, because he’s ok. Antibiotics with rashes likely on the way, but the worst of the flu-like stuff should be over. whew


So sorry to hear about all of that!
That’s a fuck-load of shit (or is it a shit-load of fuck?) to have to process all at once. I’m open 24/7 for hugs whenever needed.