Fuck Today (Part 1)

Thank you all so much for your support and comments. It makes a difference and I appreciate it more than I can say. I’ve spent the night going back and forth between Googling details on the problem, the surgery, the recovery, and spending time with Danny. He got a bath in preparation for the consult tomorrow–and that was soooo much fun. He hates baths, and grooming. He struggled so much in the sink he broke off a nail. Then came the Battle of the Comb. (Cornering him on the front porch helped.) But eventually he was washed, and dried, and combed, and we spent a while relaxing, him comfy in my lap, all indignities forgiven.

I’m still scared down to my toes over tomorrow. But without the info the consult will provide I can’t make a choice. I desperately don’t want to lose him… but it’s about his best quality of life. (I also Googled “how to know when to let a dog go.” I cried, but it helped get my head a little more straight.) If he’s capable of surviving the surgery and having a good life afterwards, then we go for it. If he can’t… it won’t be good, but one step at a time. I’m not looking forward to the hour-long drive to an area I really don’t know… but my dog is worth it. :dog2: