Fuck Today (Part 1)

In the old days - when everyone had paper matches in easy reach - this would have been a 5 minute fix.


It’s every door in our house. I think the builders used particularly crappy wood for the frames.

This one is a sprung hinge, so that’s an extra level of fun. An opportunity to learn something new!


If you have the time, there is stuff sold for wood rot that you can let soak into the wood at the holes that will stiffen/strengthen the wood there.


Seconding @d_r’s recommendation of first using a wood hardener. If you’re still getting tear-out after that, it’s time to move up to a larger, coarse-thread, coated screw—the self-anchoring kind. If that fails, you may have to shim and patch. Hopefully it doesn’t come to that.







Wooden matches, surely?


No, the wooden ones are too big. If you really need the security of wood, a toothpick or two is better. (Even better is to glue some toothpicks into the hole, but that requires patience for the glue to dry.)


Well, then.


Everyone in the house but me is sick, and past experience suggests that my son will get bronchitis or pneumonia over the next couple of days. I’ll probably need to stay at home and look after everyone, so it’s not looking good for the BoingBoing meetup in Munich tomorrow either…


Is it bad that that’s what I thought @d_r meant by “In the old days - when everyone had paper matches in easy reach - this would have been a 5 minute fix.”?


We must have had a lot more rot than you, then, because paper matches would never have worked!


Despite using a pendulum for divining into the subconscious, I can’t locate a library book which is due tomorrow. My subconscious lies to me and tells me it’s in the house, but stalls when I ask if it’s in a cabinet or in a room with windows facing [north|east|south|west] or tells me it’s within two miles away. The terrible thing is that it’s a book on decluttering.

The boy gave me a load of forms to fill as per every beginning week of school but I’d printed out a FERPA form from schoolprivacymatters.com twice and couldn’t find a copy. I don’t love papers being everywhere, I love having a place for papers. I hate seeing requests for cash for non-elective supplies. I ordered through Amazon the course workbook for an elective but only because it’s 27% cheaper than ordering through the school. Athletics, athletic insurance required, uniforms, activity fee, pictures… goodbye money, I liked having you around.

Signing up for public health insurance was left to someone else and all I get when I ask each week how long it takes is “it is pending review” which isn’t a help when filling out forms asking about medical insurance. It’s been pending for five weeks.

The microwave door lower ‘catch’ no longer engages with the slot on the machine as of today. As a result the door swings open. The dishwasher leaks. This is a common problem with the make and model, I find, looking online.

These are the disappointments, failures and frustrations I feel okay with posting here.


And if you’re not that different from me, when handling these kind of things. Something bigger is lingering, lurking, because otherwise above stuff would have bothered you less?


Sounds like a super crappy day. (Be careful with that microwave!) hope tomorrow is relatively better. :bouquet:


Death-by-a-thousand-cuts-plus-lemon-juice is awful enough. It’s the aggregate that is often the “something bigger.” Plus, whatever it is that we don’t feel okay with posting here.




I think my relationship might be over. I’m binging, pinball style between panic, resignation, sadness and relief.

Yesterday, I found a shed snake skin in a tree.

The rational part of my brain said “I didn’t realize snakes could climb trees, this is pretty cool. I hope it’s not the kind of snake that could hurt a cat.”

The blind pattern recognition part of my brain, the bit with roots in the soil of superstition and just-so stores, said “shed your sssssssskin, becaussssssse change issssssss coming.”

I can manage life on my own, but I miss him. We’ve been friends for a long time and it’s hard to not to be able to talk to him about stuff.


Keen perception. I am in the process of positive change, this is the first day since my affirmed period of positive change that a backwash of gunk like negative selftalk instead of my 30-50 minute affirmation session, accumulation of appliance breakdowns, and stress-induced mismanagement of useful documents thanks to a very short attention span assault me.

For instance, one or two incomes instead of none would not have precipitated my “Fuck Today”/Woe Is Me post. Some of these appliance problems I can solve today, I can climb back on the affirmations horse, I can contact the places I suspect the library book might be at. I left out my success of getting eight pounds of half-price beef at Safeway in the morning because that’s the opposite of “Fuck Today” but not on the level of designer Italian leather pants for $20.