Fuck Today (Part 1)

I love that last picture of her with her teeth and inquisitive look about her. While I didn’t know her, she looks happy and like herself there. It’s a keeper of a picture.


Don’t even start to begin to think I even for a moment thought about being offended. In the absolute simplest terms, the reason why pills work is because we have receptors for them. The reason we have receptors is to receive something we produce ourselves or consume in some way (not just eating by a long shot).

Acupuncture doesn’t really do anything for me a good massage doesn’t do, and I enjoy a good massage more. Reiki is more like positive affirmations than anything else, which makes me feel good. Plain Ol’ talk therapy has done wonders for my self esteem. And humbly acknowledging i can’t eat and drink like a twenty year old has made me feel physically and mentally stronger.

Oh, and a friend of mine gave me a luck dragon. I’ll be damned if that thing doesn’t work.


Thank you all so much for your support and comments. It makes a difference and I appreciate it more than I can say. I’ve spent the night going back and forth between Googling details on the problem, the surgery, the recovery, and spending time with Danny. He got a bath in preparation for the consult tomorrow–and that was soooo much fun. He hates baths, and grooming. He struggled so much in the sink he broke off a nail. Then came the Battle of the Comb. (Cornering him on the front porch helped.) But eventually he was washed, and dried, and combed, and we spent a while relaxing, him comfy in my lap, all indignities forgiven.

I’m still scared down to my toes over tomorrow. But without the info the consult will provide I can’t make a choice. I desperately don’t want to lose him… but it’s about his best quality of life. (I also Googled “how to know when to let a dog go.” I cried, but it helped get my head a little more straight.) If he’s capable of surviving the surgery and having a good life afterwards, then we go for it. If he can’t… it won’t be good, but one step at a time. I’m not looking forward to the hour-long drive to an area I really don’t know… but my dog is worth it. :dog2:


That sounds like an excellent plan. Best of luck tomorrow!


Yeah we do.
Funny things, those receptors. Incredibly specialized for the various unique molecules human beings have been interacting with for a coupla hundred thousand years. Amazing what kinds of things we as a species have been busy chewing on, historically.


Agree with you on massages, esp. the nearly brutal ones where muscles I didn’t know I had get reset.

Wot, you mean like Falcor?


@falcor comes over and hangs every once and awhile. I have to keep 55 gallon drums of Pepto from all the trolls he eats. He really needs to add more leafy greens to his diet.


I would like to subscribe to your feel good box!
Does the the first box contain all those items or are they spread out over the year? :wink:


That’s really the key indicator here. It’s all about making his life better, not worse. If he can handle the surgery and thrive then it’s a no-brainer. If it comes down to not being worth the risk or if it won’t provide long term help, then it may be time to make some hard choices.

You sound like a wonderful animal parent, and while I know this is a totally cliche thing to hear, you will know what the right decisions are to make when you’re presented with the options.

I wish you and Danny the best of luck.


My blood pressure :thermometer: :syringe: has been way up for days and I haven’t been sleeping well :no_entry_sign: :bed: … which is just the introduction.

I can have 2-3 cups of coffee a day without it giving me an anxiety attack as long as I’m not already having high anxiety and no one makes the :coffee: :x: double strong. Someone made the coffee double strong. :anger: So I’ve been fighting my own instincts :muscle: :cow: to lash out at people all day long and fighting to stay awake because of the medicine :pill: I took to deal with the anxiety attack.

And :cake:ers kept honking :blue_car: :speaking_head: for no reason much of my drive home. :no_good: :mute: Putting me even more on edge.

I decided to put my :heavy_plus_sign: :battery: extra energy to good :laughing: use and try to entertain :tada: this thread with excessive emoji.


In late April we brought our 14-year-old dog to the vet with a suspicion of problems. She was diagnosed first with laryngal paralysis (which is somewhat operable, though with bad side effects, so we were probably not going to do it), then subsequently with a big lump on her larynx which biopsied to be an aggressive cancer, already blocking 3/4 of her windipe. The vet gave her a few days to live, and she was really poor after we got her home from the vet, needing fairly serious pain and anxiety medications. (I posted about this here on May 1.) We decided to not attempt any procedures, but rather to try to keep her comfortable. To our surprise she has been getting, not exactly better but certainly more stable, with no obvious pain or anxiety attacks and a renewed joy in activity (which however is rather limited by her reduced breathing ability). We know the cancer is not curable, and her time will come soon enough, but for at least a month she has been almost our old dog again, rather than dead as the vets (2 of them) predicted.

I suppose this should really go in the “victories” thread, but it seemed appropriate to a discussion of how far to carry out procedures on elderly pets.


Waaay more constructive than my method of dealing with things. It looks like a clown sneezed all over your post. :laughing:


It seems to have helped. I didn’t really plan it but I tend to use a “lot” of emoji anyway. :crying_cat_face:



Everything about the new god damn baseball stadium in town (well, in Cobb Co) makes me angry… I had to drive by where it’s being built yesterday, and the new sign on the highway made me want to pull over, climb up and beat the sign with a baseball bat.

Now this stupid shit.


Ok, I couldn’t figure this one out. Clue me in?


It’s kind of a BBS in-joke. Though I may not actually be in on the joke. :sweat:

:cake: got substituted in place of fuck on this one thread. I don’t know if it started there and I don’t know if everyone on the thread just decided to put :cake: in or if something else was going on. :laughing:


That is freakin’ awesome. :smiley: Glad your dog is doing better!

We just got back home from the consult (which took all day as they were slotting his tests between other booked procedures.) The tests look good, he’s in better shape than I’d thought, so surgery looks like a go either Monday or Tuesday next week, if I can get my work shift on Monday covered.

Right now, Danny’s resting. They doped him up for the ultrasounds and it’s not out of his system yet. :dizzy::dog:


That’s great news! I hope the surgery goes well and that he has a speedy recovery.


Just heard that a former colleague of mine who was a good friend died this week. Hadn’t seen him in five years but still sad.


I’d ask why, but in the end it doesn’t really matter. Not to me. Not right now. Instead I just have an urge to scream. Fuck everything about this, every single thing. Fuck the guns, fuck the lack of empathy, fuck the actions that could give anyone an excuse to rationalize this, to feel trapped, left without recourse… and for FUCKS sake can we just stop fucking killing each other? Just for one. fucking. day. Please?

P.S. Oh, and fuck the racist fucking cunts who will use this justify their intolerance.


I just read about the Princess. I’m so sorry, @nemonem, she was real to all of us and we all feel it too.