'Fuck Trump' projected on a building in California's 'Mayberry by the Bay'

…some worry “about the children.”

Suuure, words projected on a building could do your children far more harm than a hapless and sociopathic president… Nice to know that you have some perspective. /s


Oh, the “I’m more grown up than you” gambit.
Nice to see a classic every once in a while.


Won’t someone think of the children?


Oh noes, a word that means an act that most human beings do at one point in their life! Won’t someone think of the children! What will they do when they know that there are naughty words out there! /s

It’s a word. Society will not collapse if people see a word. Ignoring real world social problems and denying they exist until they come to a crisis, actually will. how about we focus on real problems that real human beings have, instead of clutching our pearls over a word.


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