Originally published at: Full Frontal attends the NRA's poorly timed convention | Boing Boing
To be fair, if the NRA would try not to hold any conventions shortly after mass shootings, how would they be able to hold any at all?
Considering that there’s at least one every damn day now, you have an excellent point…
I thought the NRA was on the brink of bankruptcy and closing down, with their leaders named, shamed and imprisoned.
Or maybe that was just a good dream I had…
She’s great. I’ve never seen her before.
They claimed bankruptcy as a gambit to dissolve in NY where they’re incorporated as a non-profit, in order to move to Texas and “lose” a bunch of the records of the C-suite misappropriating funds. NYAG Letitia James put that to dust and is still actively investigating them. It’s going to take a while, but she’s well proven her mettle since taking office.
ETA: Some current events:
Ooh, Gabbie Gifford’a org has a great cheat-sheet.
“Now is not the time…” {blam blam blam}
“Now is not…” {blam blam blam blam blam}
“Now…” {blam blam blam blam}
“Now is…” {blam blam blam blam blam blam blam blam}
Republicans can’t allow dead children to touch off even a debate about guns. Because they know they’ll lose. It’s always been political. They just are afraid of losing.
There were like 14 mass shootings just over Memorial day weekend. They’d have been hard-pressed to find an hour that didn’t overlap with, or immediately follow, one…
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