Originally published at: Full House star Bob Saget (1956-2022) | Boing Boing
First unexpected celebrity death of 22. It’s a sign of something
Sad to go so young. I remember seeing him do stand-up in L.A. once circa 1999 or so, he seemed to be trying to push back against his Full House image by laying on the filthiest humor possible. I wonder how much of Bojack Horseman was inspired by his career ups and downs.
I thought he was supposedly pretty filthy before Full House? (At least live.)
Our daughter was born in '85, she loved Full House but in addition to being the corny dad and Funniest Home Video host he was also a great but filthy stand up. Crazy how he did both.
Probably so, it just wasn’t the image the uninitiated members of the audience expected I guess.
Also I think one heckler yelled something about him being a washout from Family Ties or some other sitcom and he corrected them by yelling something like “no, I was in the show about the gay dads raising a family in San Francisco!”
I guess that was an example of on of his jokes that probably wouldn’t fly as well today.
IIRC, he really laid that on thick in that Aristocrats doc.
Nooooooooooo! God dammit.
Yeah he was dirty and funny. I think this is from 1986. The Ninth Annual Young Comedians Special was the first time I saw him and many other big names doing standup.
I’ve heard other comedians say that his version of that joke was legendary for being so disgusting.
2022 will be one big gross telling of The Aristocrats, it seems. RIP and keep playing blue, Bob.
saget’s version of the joke in the film the aristocrats was possibly the “dirtiest” and the most disturbing.
Overshadowed by Mr. Saget’s death is the death of Dwayne Hickman (star of The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis) a funnier and better written sitcom IMHO.
I was just thinking yesterday how contemporary society has become one giant tragic episode of America’s Funniest Home Videos.
Here’s to you, Bob!
yes, blue, Aristocrats, Fam ties, funny vids,…
the point of amazement for me? He was able to quickly pivot between the comedy. Family/Blue
Do you know how difficult that is? Heck, I’ve been working daily to not say fuck shit piss, etc, at work, for about 15 years. If one excapes, a flood follows.
He was able to jump between swearing/not swearing-- he was funny, and kind - the work he did for scleroderma? substantial.
rip. will be missed.
The first time I saw Redd Foxx do stand up I couldn’t believe he was the same guy on TV. Buddy Hackett is another one. But Redd Foxx takes the cake.